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Milat, Nado
Milat executed a mural for the Hacienda Espresso Bar. Hunter Street, Sydney with interiors designed by Silvano Mariti in 1957. As an architect, he worked ...
Milazzo, Maryanne
Milazzo is an interior designer. She became the first female directors of interior design and architecture practices in South Australia. She worked for leading architectural ...
Milde, Michael
Late 20th century cartoonist.
Mildred, H.
Painter, showed work in the 1848 Exhibition of Colonial Artists at Adelaide.
Miles, Faith, b.
Faith Miles works in the mediums of digital photography and watercolours. Her work is inspired by the designs found within her local Gold Coast landscape.
Miles, John Roxburgh
Drawing and mapping teacher, advertised in October 1853 that he would soon be starting a class for 'mapping, pencil and watercolour drawing, including Flowers and ...
Miles, Michael
Sketcher, has had a pencil view, 'Port Denison, Looking West' (Mitchell Library) attributed to him.
Miles, Keith
Miles was an interior designer and the principal of the Keith Miles Design Group, Toorak. He was also a former officer of the Society of ...
Miles, Simon
Miles is an interior designer, working initially with Keith Miles and Associates, later the Keith Miles Design Group, Toorak, a company founded by his father, ...
Miles, Keith
Keith Miles is an interior design and co-founder of Keith Miles and Associates with his wife Elizabeth Miles. His firm first opened in Ivanhoe, a ...
Miles, Adrian
Melbourne-based new media artist and scholar. He has published widely on hypertext and hypermedia, is a networked interactive video developer and has exhibited his applied ...
An art student from Sydney who exhibited at the annual exhibition in connection with the Pitt Street Congregational Sunday Schools (opened Christmas Eve, 1873).
Millard, Kerry
Contemporary newspaper cartoonist and illustrator. In 1996, with Cathy Wilcox, she was runner-up for the Australian Black and White Artists' Club's Single Gag Artist Stanley ...
Miller, Peter
Printmaker, produced set of 14 linocuts by group of ten artists from the 'Melbourne Popular Art Group' for the 'Eureka 1854-1954' exhibition in 1954.
Miller, Rachel
Contemporary zine artist
Painter and teacher, was offering drawing, 'mezzotint' and oil and watercolour painting classes in Melbourne in 1841.
Miller, Francis Bowyer
Amateur photographer, is said to have been taking photographs in Sydney about 1860.