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Perry, A.B.
Painter who in 1890 exhibited with the Wilgie Sketch Club.
Perry, Alan G.
Perry is a cabinetmaker, designer and furniture restorer initially working at Ricketts and Thorp, then a technical college teacher after 1973. He is the founder ...
Perston, M. J.
Early 20th century political cartoonist
Associated with the West Australian Society of Arts.
Peter Gacesa, Peter
Gacesa is an interior designer working in Queensland He began as a furniture buyer in Myer, Brisbane later founding his own firm in Caloundra. He ...
Peters, J. R.
J.R. Peters was a painter who did watercolours of the Broken Hill area somewhat similar to views by Tibbits. Nothing is known about the artist ...
Peters, Dot
Dot Peters of Healesville, Victoria, is a basket and eel trap weaver who won the Australia Council for the Arts' 2002 Red Ochre Award. Taught ...
Peters, Samuel
Samuel Peters was a stone carver in Western Australia.
Peterson, Frederick
Frederick Peterson was house, transparency and ornamental painter, plumber and colourman. In 1833 he advertised in the New South Wales Calendar and Directory as a ...