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Purkiss, Violet
Maker of ribbon lace and a painter associated with the West Australian Society of Arts.
Purser, W.
Purser was a sketcher, he is thought to have been a visiting naval surgeon. Little is known of his work other than an unidentified watercolour.
Purves, Caroline Frances
Purves was a painter, who exhibited watercolour flower paintings at the 1880-81 Melbourne International Exhibition and received a first order or merit for them. Her ...
Purves, Enid A.
Enid A. Purves is believed to have been an illustrator(?), her name is signed to an elaborate landscape pencil drawing dated 1900.
Purves, Keith
Purves was a Melbourne interior designer, employed at Georges department store. He was an early member and promoter of the Society of Interior Designers of ...
Purvis, Andrew
Andrew Purvis is an emerging curator from Western Australia, now based in Adelaide.
Pwerle, Wally
Alyawarre artist well known for his wood carving. Pwerle's Grass-Seed Dreaming is located in the area of Irrweltye outstation, at Aknumurrapa, NT.