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Ware, Florence, b.
Lino cut printer and painter, Florence Ware is a Torres Strait Islander artist whose work is informed by the traditions of her community as well ...
Ware, Kevina
Painter who showed in the 2007 'Our Mob' exhibition at the Adelaide Festival Centre.
Warner, Lynda
Warner studied at Swinburne Institute of Technology, works as a graphic designer.
Photographer, is said to have been the first independent professional woman photographer in Queensland. She had a studio at Rockhampton in 1868.
Watanabe, E.
Watanabe returned to Australia in 1954 after a career as an interior decorator in the United States that began in 1937. She worked with Mrs ...
Waterman, Estelle
Waterman worked as a graphic artist after training at East Sydney Technical College, costume, film advertising posters (c.1920s) by her hand are known. She was ...
Waters, Donella, b.
Donella Waters is a self-taught artist who has been a finalist in the 2005, 2006 and 2007 Parliament of NSW Indigenous Art Prize.
Watkins, Elyse
Textile artist born in Newcastle , NSW.
Watson, Joyce
Joyce Watson of the Waanyi clan of North West Queensland works in the area of printmaking onto paper and fabric. Her works incorporate her family ...
Watson, Judy
Widely exhibited Warlpiri artist who lives in Yuendumu (NT) and paints for Warlukurlangu Artists.
Watson, Lilla
Lilla Watson works in a medium that not only is innovative but highly personal to her as an Aboriginal woman. Watson creates images using a ...
Watson, Ruth
Contemporary artist living in Sydney in 2000.