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Sourman, L.
Itinerant photographer who advertised himself as a 'Daguerrean artist'.
South, Barrina
Barrina South is a descendant of the Wailwan people of north west NSW. South completed her Masters of Arts (Honours) in 2006 and she has ...
South, John
John South, a descendant of the Barkindji people of north west NSW, is a painter who has held a number of solo exhibitions since 1996. ...
South, Jean, b.
Jean South of the Wailwan people of north west NSW is a painter and photographer who has been a finalist in the 2005, 2006 and ...
Mr Southall's short-lived career as a scene painter for the Theatre Royal was noted for his ability to produce spectacular effects in a small space.
Southern, E.
An artist known by various names and occupations through erroneous referencing. An elusive teacher of 'artistic drawing' he disappeared after 1860.
Soutter, Thomas
Known only for a single small painting of Sydney Harbour c.1810, of which there is a photograph held in the Mitchell Library at the State ...
Sparke, A. K.
Professional photographer from Victoria. Sparke advertised 'Cheap photographic portraits!' in the 1858 Geelong Directory.
Sketcher of architecture, admired for her 'four very pretty studies in crystoleum'.
Society singer and sketcher known for her neat representation of the work of another artist. An accomplished lady about town.