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Ussher, Kathleen
Ussher was an early 20th century wartime illustrator and author who did voluntary nursing work in Macedonia during the first World War. An acquaintance of ...
Utting, M. J.
Painter who entered a work in Perth Prize for Contemporary Art in 1956.
Utzon, Jørn
Jørn Oberg Utzon (1918-2008) was a Danish architect who is best known for designing the Sydney Opera House (1957 competition scheme, completed by others after ...
Vaichas, Aras
Aras Vaichas is an artist, an electrical engineer and a active participant in Dorkbot Sydney.
Valentine (full name unknown) is identified as a 1872 Hill End NSW decorative sign writer and painter from a photograph from the Holtermann Collection, State ...
Valenzuela, Humberto
Humberto Valenzuela is a late 20th century cartoonist.
Van Der Craats, Christopher
Christopher Van Der Craats is a late 20th century Melbourne painter and cartoonist best known for his series "The Adventures of Henry Maltravers".
Van Leer, Dick
Van Leer, one of the principals of Artes Studio, Sydney, established a contemporary furniture showroom in the 1950s and held a license to import Knoll ...
Van Lynden, J.
Dutch migrant who exhibited with the Perth Society of Artists in 1948.