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Wilkinson, H.
Colonial male herald painter whose business may have included painting family crests on carriages.
Wilkinson, Henry
English colonial surgeon and watercolourist who painted landscapes. He settled in Sydney in 1854.
Wilkinson, Peter
Contemporary Brisbane and Sydney cartoonist and caricaturist.
Wilkinson, Robert Edmund Alfred
Colonial male sketcher who drew an original homestead in Tombong while on holiday before returning to his day job at the Bank of NSW. He ...
Wilkinson, Leslie
Leslie Wilkinson was Australia's first Professor of Architecture, at the University of Sydney from 1918 to 1947, and Dean of the Faculty from 1920. As ...
Late 20th century newspaper cartoonist. Possibly the Sydney cartoonist Peter Wilkinson.
Williams, Daryl, b.
Daryl Williams paints the stories of his country, of "thuwathu", the rainbow serpent and of the marine life around Mornington Island.
Williams, Eileen
Pitjanjatjara/Arrente artist who lives in Hermannsburg. She painted the large mural at the Sheraton Hotel in Yulara (NT).
Williams, Eleanor
Photographer, is the Canberra-based widow of the Aboriginal writer and activist Kelvin Gilbert. She illustrated his books Child's dreaming (1992), Black from the edge (1994) ...
Williams, G. A.
Colonial painter, exhibited landscapes at the Ballarat Mechanics Institute exhibition in 1869.
Williams, Henry
Colonial male oil painter, watercolourist and photographer from Hobart Town who painted children and hunters.
Williams, J. R.
Male colonial landscape painter and customs officer who exhibited extensively in Melbourne, despite a critic suggesting he could have made more of a view of ...
Williams, John, b.
Painter, John Williams from Mornington Island has shown in a number of exhibitions including the 2006 'Gatherings II' in Brisbane and the 2005 Mornington Island ...
Williams, Phyllis Napurrurla
Warlpiri artist from Yuendumu who has exhibited with Warlukurlangu Artists since 1987in major cities across Australia and overseas.