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Zabell, Frances
Zabell was the manager of the Roycroft Book and Art Shop, Rowe Street and her work is described in M.M. Pearson, Tales of Rowe Street, ...
Zacharewicz, A.C.
[Mrs] Zacharewicz, B. Arch.ARAIA of Rose Bay is described as the designer of the Penguin Inn milk bar, Taylor Square, Sydney. The interior design featured ...
Zala, Georgette, b.
Zala was a Sydney interior designer arriving in Australia pre-1939-45 War and specialising in historicist interiors based on reproduction furniture. Her furniture and architecture designs ...
Ziegler, G.
Ziegler was a portraitist, and possible son of Henry Bryan Ziegler, a miniature painter to the British Royal family in the early nineteenth century.
Zika, Joel, b.
Joel Zika is a Melbourne based print and new media designer. Using multiple projection installation and large format digital imaging he creates work based on ...