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da Rimini, Francesca
An artist who works through hypertextual narrative artform to create complex and poetic works for the Internet and installation. Her work has explored the artistic ...
de Almeida, Pedro
Pedro de Almeida's curatorial practice is characterised by a strong awareness of the political and cultural context of where art is to be shown and ...
de Boullenois, T.
A portraitist who spent only five years in Australia (1850-1855), Monsieur de Boullenois spent most of this time in South Australia. He later travelled to ...
de Gruchy, Graham
De Gruchy is a South African architect and designer associated with the design retailer "Craftsman's Market", Brisbane. He worked for the Qld Public Works department ...
de Malraison, S.
S. de Malraison was a woodcarver. He exhibited with the West Australian Society of Arts in 1922.
de Medici, eX
Tattooist and painter.
de Mondonville,
Painter, exhibited with the Victorian Society of Fine Arts in 1857 while on a brief visit to Melbourne.
de Nijs, Jenny
Jenny de Nijs is a lecturer in design, RMIT and the author of Women as Designers in Australia, RMIT 1986.