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Gregory, George, b. 1857
The son of marine painter George Frederick Gregory, worked as a marine painter in the late nineteenth century, for a while in South Australia before ...
Addison, George Henry Male, b. 1858
George Addison was a colonial male architect and artist.
Mack, Maggie Pinkie, b. 1858
Weaver, singer and historian, collaborated with Ron and Catherine Berndt in their work of recording the old ways of the Yaraldi in 'A World That ...
Russell, John Peter, b. 1858
Painter John Peter Russell spent three decades living and working in Europe where Vincent Van Gogh was a fellow student in Paris. With his extensive ...
Tranthim-Fryer, John Robertson, b. 1858
Tasmanian born sculptor and art teacher. He returned from London to settle in Victoria where he became first Director of Swinburne Technical College in 1908, ...
Whiting, Ada, b. 1858
Oil and watercolour painter and miniaturist, was born in Hobart, Tasmania. She was a rapid worker, painting up to three miniatures a week, landscapes, flowers ...
Woodhouse, Herbert James, b. 1858
Late colonial period Melbourne painter, illustrator, printmaker and sculptor, is buried in Geelong Cemetery, Victoria.
Ashton, James, b. 1859
Influential Federation era Adelaide painter, illustrator and art teacher. Ashton, the father of painter Will Ashton, is best known for establishing the Academy of Arts, ...
Beattie, John Watt, b. 1859
John Watt Beattie was a collector and photographer in turn-of-the-century Tasmania. Three years before his death in 1930, Launceston City Council purchased his collection of ...
Bode, Edwin, b. 1859
Edwin Bode was a painter and photographer who travelled throughout Queensland painting watercolours of homesteads in exchange for board and lodging. A longtime resident of ...
Hall, L. Bernard, b. 1859
Influential early 20th century Melbourne painter, art teacher and art gallery director.
Lister, William Lister, b. 1859
As well as being a prolific landscape artist, Lister was President of the Royal Art Society of NSW and a trustee of the National Art ...
Roth, A. Constance, b. 1859
Constance Roth, painter, cartoonist, decorative artist, art teacher and journalist, taught life drawing at Julian Ashton's in 1885. She departed Australia in 1892, travelling to ...
Allport, Curzona Frances Louise, b. 1860
Painter and printmaker in Tasmania. Second daughter of Morton Allport, a Hobart solicitor and well-known amateur photographer. On 12 February 1894, the Mercury stated that ...
Allport, Curzona Frances Louise, b. 1860
Tasmanian born printmaker Curzona Frances Louise (Lily) Allport found success in London, after studying in Paris.
Carew-Smyth, P. M., b. 1860
Artist and educationalist, Carew-Smyth arrived in Australia in 1891.
Cavanagh, Michael F., b. 1860
Michael F. Cavanagh was born in 1860. He was an architect who was a member of the South Australian Society of Arts with whom he ...
Francis, Caroline, b. 1860
Despite spending a number of years studying painting at the National Gallery School in Melbourne in the late 1880s and early 1890s, Francis was to ...
Jorgensen, Hulda Ulivia Agt, b. 1860
Danish-born painter and benefactor, exhibited at the Royal Art Society of New South Wales as 'Mrs Tom Marshall' and, as heir to the estate of ...