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Szigeti, Imre, b. 1897
Mid 20th century Hungarian cartoonist and illustrator who migrated to Sydney in 1939. Before arriving in Australia Szigeti contributed illustrations to nearly 100 books, including ...
Curtis, Robert Emerson, b. 1898
Mid 20th century illustrator and artist. In 1922 Curtis travelled to the USA with his great friend, the pioneer filmmaker, Charles Chauvel. There he developed ...
Eddy, Henry Franklin, b. 1898
Henry Franklin Eddy (1898-1969), known for one pen-and-ink drawing at Cathundral, NSW.
Evatt, Mary Alice, b. 1898
Artist, social activist, art collector and Trustee of the Art Gallery of New South Wales, Evatt's best known work was an oil painting entitled 'Footballers' ...
Larking, Louisa Margret, b. 1898
Painter, lived some of her life in Melbourne and painted Australian subjects, mainly still lifes and studies of her house. she mainly painted watercolours, with ...
Pedersen, Ella Lilian, b. 1898
Ella Lilian Pedersen was a painter, illuminator, illustrator, weaver, potter, leather-worker, embroiderer, jeweller and enameller. In 1941, with Mona Elliott, she founded the Half Dozen ...
Whitford, Dora, b. 1898
Etcher, painter, commercial artist and stained glass designer, designed rose window and six memorial windows in Stow Memorial Church, Adelaide.
Eagles, Percy, b. 1900
Percy Eagles was a graphic artist whose astonishing skill with the pencil is demonstrated in his numerous portrait studies. There would be few contemporary artists ...
Goodchild, Doreen, b. 1900
Painter, modeller, potter and ceramicist, Doreen Goodchild was born in Adelaide, South Australia. She married fellow artist John Goodchild. Her career took a back seat ...
Darbyshire, Beatrice Dean, b. 1901
A talented artist, Beatrice Darbyshire exhibited in England and Perth throughout the 1920s and 1930s.
Mahood, Marguerite Henriette, b. 1901
Prolific female artist, educator and historian who produced work in a variety of media during the twentieth century. She was awarded a PhD from Melbourne ...
Matier, Robert Alexander, b. 1901
Western Australian painter who was awarded The Claude Hotchin Prize for Watercolour three times in 1958, 1968 and 1970.
Slessor, Kenneth, b. 1901
Influential 20th century poet, journalist and sketcher.
Borovansky, Edouard, b. 1902
Edouard Borovansky was a ballet director who also painted and sketched. A collection of his original works, including an ink portrait of Wassily de Basil ...
Cottrell, Dorothy, b. 1902
Mid 20th century sketcher, cartoonist and novelist.
Michaelis-Sachs, Margaret, b. 1902
professional photographer who also dabbled in painting and drawing later in her career, migrated to Australia from Europe, specialised in documentary photographs, portraiture and dance ...
Murch, Arthur James, b. 1902
Painter and sculptor, assistant to George Lambert, and in World War II the War artist who captured images of the bombed city of Darwin. Later ...
Rayner, Hewitt Henry, b. 1902
Australian-born Hewitt Henry Rayner (1902-1957), went to England in 1923 and trained under Walter Richard Sickert at London's Royal Academy Schools. He produced more than ...
Such, Les, b. 1902
Mid 20th century North Queensland and Sydney cartoonist, comic book artist, watercolourist and journalist.