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Dunnett Jnr, Mitch, b. 1964
South Australian painter who had a residency in the Flinders University Art Museum in the 1980s and was included in Queensland Art Gallery's 'Balance 1990' ...
Ewing, Andrew Hau, b. 1964
Ewing is an artist and designer working in illustration, painting, graphic design and printmaker.
Foley, Fiona, b. 1964
Painter, printmaker, photographer, sculptor and installation artist, Fiona Foley's work often discusses the hidden histories of Australia's colonial past and its interface with Aboriginal people.
Jones, Garry, b. 1964
Garry Jones is an Indigenous printmaker, painter and sculptor whose early experiences of racism in western Sydney inform much of his practice today. Jones was ...
Malthouse, Blair, b. 1964
Queensland-born Blair Malthouse is a Mulluridji/Jirrabul descendant who works in the areas of screenprinting, painting and linocut printing and whose work is informed by native ...
Richardson, Penelope, b. 1964
Richardson has featured in several solo and group exhibitions both in Australia and internationally, including Sydney, Melbourne, Munich, Cuba and Colombia. Her artistic practice spans ...
Gillings, Jane, b. 1965
Jane Gillings, born in 1965, is a Sydney artist who uses discarded plastic for assemblage art. She has also worked in print making, especially lino ...
Hamm, Treahna, b. 1965
Treahna Hamm is a possum skin cloak maker, etcher, printmaker, painter, sculptor and public artist. A visual artist since 1982, Hamm's work discusses issues of ...
West , Val, b. 1965
Val West is an Aboriginal artist, her ancestry is Aboriginal from the Gamilaroi & Murawarri Aboriginal nations and feels deeply connected to D'harawal Country. She ...
Frazer, David, b. 1966
A printmaker, painter and sculptor whose work is held in many Australian as well as international collections.
Matoulas, George, b. 1966
Printmaker and binder working in the field of artists' books, often on collaborative projects with other artists and writers. His work has been featured in ...
Nakamarra, Minnie, b. 1966
Minnie Nakamarra paints her renowned father Johnny Warangkula's Dreamings for the Papunya Tjupi Art Centre in Papunya.
Williams, Vera Mbitjana, b. 1966
Pitjantjatjara speaker also fluent in five other Central Australian languages. A dedicated artist in the media of screenprint and fabric design, and more recently, canvas ...
Windberg, Tony, b. 1966
West Australian resident printmaker and drawer who works with the nature of illusion and the illusion of nature.