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Crowder, E. F., b.
Sketcher and resident of Adelaide, South Australia.
Crowe, James
James Crowe was a watercolour painter.
Cruickshank, Adam
Adam Cruickshank is a Melbourne based artist. He has also been the artist representative board member for Platform Contemporary Art Spaces.
Crumpler, Stuart
Crumpler developed the initial 1992 "Crumpler" half-moon shoulder bag design as a bike courier accessory for an organisation formed by Dave Roper, Will Miller and ...
Crux, Arthur
Sketcher, drawing teacher, architect and builder. A lecture Crux delivered on the subject of drawing at the Parramatta School of Arts in October 1858 was ...
Cull, Sandy
Cull is a book designer with graphics training at Swinburne University, Victoria with design experience internationally and locally. Winner of numerous book design awards, she ...
Cullen, A. A.
A. A. Cullen was active around 1896.
Cullen, Jean, b.
Mid 20th century Sydney and Brisbane cartoonist. The fourth (and last) woman cartoonist to be employed full-time on Smith's Weekly.