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Stavrianos, Wendy, b. 1941
Painter and printmaker, had a retrospective at the Australian National University, Drill Hall Gallery in 1997.
Thoms, Albie, b. 1941
Thoms was a theatre director, film maker and curator. Founder of Ubu Films, editor of Ubu News, co-founder of the Ginger Meggs Memorial School of ...
Waterlow, Nick, b. 1941
Nick Waterlow was the inspirational director for a number of Biennales of Sydney, commencing in 1979. He later became the Director of the Ivan Dougherty ...
White, Susan Dorothea, b. 1941
Susan Dorothea White is a painter, sculptor, and printmaker with an exhibiting career spanning 50 years.
Foley, Roger, b. 1942
Roger Foley, better known as Ellis D. Fogg is best known for his special effects and public installations.
Powditch, Peter, b. 1942
Peter Powditch first began to paint and sculpt his celebrations of the beach and bikini culture in the late 1960s. He was also active as ...
Rodriguez, John, b. 1942
The artist John Rodriguez was born in 1942. He made 'Greeting Cards' screenprints.
Schlunke, David, b. 1942
David Schlunke is a landscape and portrait painter. He has been active as a painter since the early 1960s and as a committed conservationist, environmental ...
Sharp, Martin, b. 1942
Late 20th century Sydney artist. Sharp's 1964 cartoon "The Word Spread Round the Arms", published in "Oz" was seen to breach the Obscene and Indecent ...
Shead, Garry, b. 1942
Film maker, cartoonist and Archibald and Dobell Prize winning artist Garry Shead's work is held in most major public collections in Australia. He has created ...
Stuart, Guy, b. 1942
Canberra-born Contemporary painter who lives and works in Victoria. A former student of John Brack's, Stuart has had over 24 solo exhibitions and exhibited in ...
Acton, Prue, b. 1943
Prue Acton is a women’s wear designer. She trained at RMIT beginning in 1958. She established a Melbourne showroom in 1963 later moving to the ...
Baker, Nyukana, b. 1943
Pitjantjatjara artist from Ernabella who began painting, designing and weaving in 1963 and producing batik in 1971. Her work is widely exhibited in Australia and ...
Bokor, Julius, b. 1943
Julius Bokor studied art under Lloyd Rees, Robert Klippel, John Olsen and others while also studying architecture, the profession for which he is best known. ...
Caldersmith, Graham, b. 1943
Caldersmith, a musical instrument maker, began his career as a high school science teacher, later taking a degree in aerophysics with further study in acoustics. ...
Draffin, Nicholas William, b. 1943
Nicholas Draffin, who started his career as Assistant Curator of Prints and Drawings at the National Gallery of Victoria, was the first Curator of Prints ...
Ford, Sue, b. 1943
Photographer whose work is held in the collection of the National Gallery of Australia.
Griffith, Pamela, b. 1943
Sydney-born painter and printmaker who specialises in studies of Australian flora and fauna in landscape. Her work is held in many public and corporate collections ...
Jacks, Robert, b. 1943
Robert Jacks is one of the first generation of Australian artists to take nourishment from the post war American artists, rather than looking to Europe. ...