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Macdonald, Daniel
Male colonial artist who was part of an association of artists and photographers that was named after him in Melbourne between 1858 and 1859.
Machan, James
Colonial male photographer who also worked in drapery and lived mainly in South Australia.
Macreight, E. C.
Colonial male professional photographer who worked in Melbourne producing daguerreotypes.
Maddigan, Guru, b.
Guru Maddigan is from the Wamba Wamba people of Victoria. He is a painter and photographer.
Maddigan, Gayle, b.
Gayle Maddigan is a Wemba Wemba, Wertigikia and Nari Nari woman from Victoria. In 2005 she won the Works on Paper category at the Telstra ...
Magnus, A.
Colonial professional photographer whose Sydney studio and equipment was destroyed when the building caught fire.
Mahony, Elizabeth
Sydney photographer who went from assisting other photographers to starting her own business, only to retire three years later when she got married.
Mandl, Simone, b.
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Manton, J.
Colonial male professional photographer who worked out of Collins Street in Melbourne as a daguerreotypist.
Marchand, Annie (incorrect ) Aime
Female colonial professional photographer who owned a business in Victoria for at least a decade.
Marek, Voitre, b.
Sculptor and jeweller brother of Surrealist Dusan Marek. In 1969 The Catholic Weekly described him as a leading artist 'whose work is known in churches ...
Marshall, M.
Colonial professional photographer who was working in 1862 at Forbes, NSW.
Marten, A. P., b.
Colonial female watercolourist and sketcher who painted homesteads and landscapes whilst collecting and colouring photographs. She only stayed in Queensland for a short time.
Martin, J.
Male colonial photographer who moved to his own studio in St. Kilda after being in business with partner John van Berckelaer.
May, Charles William
Adelaide-based colonial male photographer whose daguerreotypes of scenery were so good he won a guinea prize one year and got to judge the same competition ...
McClelland, Robert
A travelling photographer working in Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland in the 1850s and 1860s.
McDonald, Charles
Professional photographer and confectioner, was listed as such in Sands & McDougall's 'Melbourne Directory' for 1859.
McDonald, Donald
McDonald exhibited his photographs in several exhibitions, including the London International Exhibition, and worked as a professional photographer in Melbourne. One of his stand-out pictures ...