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Miller, Olga
Children's book illustrator, otherwise known as Wandi, did the title page and nine full-page colour illustrations in W. Reeves, Moonie Jarl: The legends of Moonie ...
Miller, Thomas
Professional photographer and tobacconist in Melbourne.
Miller, Marie
Weaver Marie Miller, who arrived from England in 1915, started weaving in 1945 and built up a network of clients all over Australia. She taught ...
Miller, W.
Lithographer, engraver and possibly a silversmith.
Miller, Linden
Miller is identified as a designer and exhibitor in the Australian Commercial and Industrial Artists Association show at Sydney's AWA Bldg 12 December 1940.
Miller, E. J.
Painter who exhibited with the West Australian Society of Arts in 1920.
Millett, Janet
Sketcher, watercolourist and writer who lived in Western Australia from 1863-1869.