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R., J.
The subject, style and date of the work initialled J.R. all suggest that the artist was John Rae.
R., M.
The sketcher known only by the initials M.R., had their 'meritorious drawing' denied a prize at the South Australian Society of Arts as it had ...
R., N. E.
Colonial cartoonist. Drew the "Cartoon of the Month" on the cover of Woman 1/6 (20 August 1892).
Rackham, Wilby
Rackham was a lecturer in MTC's industrial design programme ca.1967.
Rafeldt, A.T.
She exhibited with the West Australian Society of Arts in 1920 but was not a member.
Ragless, Max
Exhibited oil paintings and etchings with the West Australian Society of Arts in the 1930s.
Rahimi, Abdul Karim , b.
A. Karim Rahimi is a master of Afghani miniature painting, now resident of Sydney