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Rodius, Charles, b. 1802
Charles (Rhodius) Rodius was a portraitist, illustrator, draughtsman, lithographer and singer. He was sentenced to seven years transportation for stealing a reticule containing a handkerchief, ...
Seyers, Thomas W., b. 1802
Thomas W. Seyers was a painter who made a full-length portrait of Governor Sir Richard Graves MacDonnell in 1861.
Stuart, James, b. 1802
Natural history painter and medical practitioner James Stuart was born in Ireland circa 1802. Stuart arrived in Australia in 1834.
Abbott, John, b. 1803
This sketcher, watercolourist and songwriter became the registrar-general of births, deaths and marriages in Van Diemen's Land in the mid nineteenth century. His watercolours were ...
Armstrong, George Fleming, b. 1803
Irish religious instructor, came to Point Puer, Tasmania in the 1830s to be catechist at the outpost for convict boys at the Port Arthur penal ...
Bussell, John Garrett, b. 1803
painter(?), pastoralist and magistrate, a brother or son of Fanny Bussell (probably the former) settled in Western Australia with her family in 1830.
Carmichael, John Black, b. 1803
A painter, etcher, art teacher and engraver. Despite being 'deaf and dumb', a distinguishing handicap often mentioned in relation to his work, Carmichael was nevertheless ...
Costantini, Charles Henry Theodore, b. 1803
Portrait and landscape painter, lithographer and surgeon. Born in Paris, he was twice sentenced to transportation to Australia. He resided in New South Wales and ...
Felton, Maurice Appleby, b. 1803
Records are uncertain as to whether Maurice Felton practised as a surgeon after his arrival in the colony. However, it is on record that he ...
Gould, William, b. 1803
Gould's stunning drawings executed with botanist Dr Scott show the various plant and bird life of Tasmania. However, Gould was continually battling the law and ...
Long, Daniel, b. 1803
Chemist and amateur painter from Victoria. He painted hundreds of landscapes, in other colonies as well as in Victoria.
Murray, Alexander, b. 1803
Watercolourist, farmer, politician and manufacturer. In 1845 he took an exhibition, 'South Australia As It Is', to Scotland.
Nixon, Francis Russell, b. 1803
A painter, sketcher, photographer and Anglican Bishop. Being consecrated the first bishop of Tasmania, Nixon used his sketches and paintings as a way to document ...
Taunay, Adrien Aimé, b. 1803
Painter, was born in Paris in 1803, son of the well-known painter Nicolas Taunay.
Wade, William Richard, b. 1803
Drawing teacher, curator and librarian, Wade was also a clergyman before his unorthodox views on baptism forced him into retirement. He is probably best known ...
Gould, Elizabeth, b. 1804
After she asked who would draw the plates on stone, her husband answered 'Why, you, of course!' Thus began a large series of hand-coloured lithographs ...
McCrae, Georgiana Huntly, b. 1804
A prolific painter. McCrae produced a variety of work throughout her life. She received much acclaim for her miniatures and portraits.
Prinsep, Elizabeth Acworth, b. 1804
Elizabeth Acworth Prinsep is best known for editing her husband's letters into Journal of a Voyage from Calcutta to Van Diemen's Land, published in 1833. ...
Watts, George Stedman, b. 1804
Watts set up business as a portrait painter in 1842. This did not last long and none of his portraits have been located. He worked ...
Wilson, James, b. 1804
James Armstrong Wilson was a portrait and figure painter born in Scotland. A resident of Sydney and surrounding areas he drowned in a storm with ...