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Griffin, Thomas, b. 1832
Griffin was a sketcher, policeman, gold commissioner and murderer. He married and deserted a wealthy widow in Victoria in 1857. In 1867 Griffin robbed the ...
Guy, James, b. 1832
James Guy was a painter, scene-painter and professional photographer. He came to Sydney about 1856. In 1858 with his brother John he opened a photographic ...
Haes, Frank, b. 1832
Professional photographer, based in England, he travelled to Sydney in 1857 and 1858 and published photographs of Australia.
Johnson, Barnet, b. 1832
Nineteenth century professional photographer, bookseller and journalist who made photographs of buildings and events around Melbourne. He returned to England in 1863 after amalgamating his ...
Little, Sarah Cross, b. 1832
Sarah Cross Little née Bingle (1832-1909) was a botanical artist, craftworker, and family historian active in Dart Brook and Scone, NSW from the 1850s to ...
Macgeorge, James, b. 1832
Colonial architect who designed mostly churches in South Australia and was involved in founding the South Australian Society of the Arts.
Madeley, Oswald Thomas, b. 1832
Colonial male police photographer and watchmaker who took the infamous photographs of the Kelly gang captured, including images of the charred remains of several of ...
Roper, Edward, b. 1832
Edward Roper, painter, illustrator, publisher, lithographer, writer and traveller, was inspired by Australian, New Zealand, South Sea Island and Canadian subjects as shown in the ...
Rowe, George Curtis Fawcett, b. 1832
Sketcher, scene-painter, actor and entertainer, George Fawcett entered into a partnership to build Princess Theatre in Dunedin, New Zealand, which opened in 1862. He not ...
Scott, Helena, b. 1832
Like her elder sister Harriet, Helena was a professional artist and natural science collector and illustrator. She was an accomplished natural history artist and both ...
Shaw, Richard H., b. 1832
Richard H.Shaw was a watercolourist and scene-painter. He died in poverty in 1895.
Slade, George Penkivil, b. 1832
George Penkivil Slade was a painter and solicitor. In 1858 he migrated to New South Wales. Slade exhibited with the New South Wales Academy of ...
Smith, Thomas, b. 1832
Artist engraver who may have attempted suicide in 1887.
Waite, James Clarke, b. 1832
Waite's oil paintings now sell for respectable prices, his notoriety in large part due to his being a contemporary of the Boer War. His work ...
Wherrett, Charles, b. 1832
Professional portrait and landscape photographer working primarily in Hobart, Tasmania. He also worked in Castlemaine and Bendigo, Victoria.
Wilson, John Noble, b. 1832
Wilson worked as a photographer in Ballarat from 1854. It is thought that he may have spent a year or two as a travelling photographer. ...
Wirgman, Charles, b. 1832
English raised Japanese cartoonist and illustrator. It is asserted in some biographies that he worked in Australia during the mid 1850s.
Woods, Julian Edmund Tenison, b. 1832
Scientist and Roman Catholic priest, Woods was skilled at detailed sketches of his specimens and often sent them in with his scientific publications. His ecclesiastical ...