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Slaytor, M.
Drawer who exhibited with the Western Australian Women Painters and Applied Arts Society in 1939.
Slicer, Jane E.
Slicer studied at Bradford Art College, UK, Trent Polytechnic, Nottingham, UK, working as a textile designer.
Sloan, R. E.
R. E. Sloan was a sketcher and architect. In 1857 he was working as an architect for the Melbourne Anglican Church.
Sloane, Bertha
Illustrator and commercial artist. Sloane trained in commercial art in Sydney with Albert Collins and worked under him at the Smith & Julius art studio, ...
Sloane, Ruth
Sloane was an interior designer active in Sydney. She was trained in the USA (location unknown) and worked as a window dresser. She maintained a ...
Studied embroidery under Loui Benham and exhibited with the West Australian Society of Arts in 1912.
Slorach, Bruce
Slorach worked as a designer as part of Slorach and Thorn, Melbourne. They produced textile designs, accessory designs and graphic works.
Sly, John
John Sly was an engraver. In 1829 he was executed for forgery at Sydney.
Smart, Edith
Smart was a curator and manager of exhibitions active from around 1925 until after the Second World War. Her tastes were catholic and extended to ...
Smeed, Hubert
Illustrator and etcher who exhibited with the West Australian Society of Arts in 1949, 1952 and 1956.
Smethers, W. F.
Exhibited pen drawings with the West Australian Society of Arts in 1924.
Smiles, Alison
Alison Smiles is a South Australian ceramicist.