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Anderson, Robert Shortried, b. 1833
Scottish architectural draughtsman who emigrated to Victoria in 1851. Anderson painted views of the Castlemaine district, including an oil painting, 'Mount Alexander Gold Diggings'.
Barrow, George, b. 1833
George Barrow was transported to Western Australian for the crime of forgery, but quickly established himself as a lithographer and music-seller in Fremantle. He left ...
Bell, John, b. 1833
Originally arriving in Australia for the gold rush, John Bell eventually settled in Bendigo and taught modelling and oil painting at the newly opened Sandhurst ...
Challinor, George Miles, b. 1833
Professional photographer and resident of Ipswich and surrounding areas in Queensland. Notable as being the first photographer of the Morton Bay Aboriginal people and as ...
Deutsch, Herman, b. 1833
A lithographer of German origin, he came to Victoria aboard the Sussex in 1857. He was quite prolific as a printmaker in Ballarat throughout the ...
Ebsworth, Marion Louisa Anne, b. 1833
Marion Ebsworth made landscape sketches of the north coast region of New South Wales. She exhibited with the New South Wales Academy of Art in ...
Garling, Frederick Augustus, b. 1833
Sketcher and surveyor, Garling drew many sketches in a journal (now lost) on an expedition to the Gulf of Carpentaria.
Glass, Charles, b. 1833
Came to Victoria from North America in 1856 and settled at Castlemaine, where he worked as a bookseller, printer and publisher. He later moved to ...
Honey, Frank Trevor, b. 1833
Draughtsman and architect, he seems to have worked in both NSW and Victoria in the 1850s and 1860s.
Kerr, Schomberg Henry, b. 1833
Kerr was a lieutenant in the Royal Scots Lothian Regiment when he travelled on a voyage to South Africa, Australia, the Pacific and India with ...
King, Elizabeth, b. 1833
An amateur sketcher, King kept a journal filled with picturesque pencil and wash views. It is presumed these are her own work though they are ...
McCrae, George Gordon, b. 1833
Primarily a poet, McCrae kept a diary and sketched; his work was influenced by the Indigenous population at Arthur's Seat on the Mornington Peninsula. His ...
Millington, Robert S., b. 1833
Professional photographer, saddler and pharmacist, he owned a photographic studios at Windsor, NSW, and later Inverell, NSW and worked as a travelling photographer throughout regional ...
Morris, William Knibb, b. 1833
Sketcher, amateur photographer and salesman from Tasmania. Morris retained an interest in photography all his life.