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Sketcher, made the original drawing for Schouten Island, an engraving in H. Butler Stoney's A Residence in Tasmania (London 1856).
Art teacher, advertised at Launceston, Van Diemen's Land, in September 1838 that he taught drawing in all its branches and was proposing to instruct pupils.
Landale, Harriet
Sketcher, drew in Tasmania. Four small, crude pencil and watercolour views are known. She married Rev. Warren Auber Brooke in 1857.
Landzaad, Betsy A.
Sketcher, was a Dutch woman raised in Sumatra who spent WWII in a civilian prisoner of war camp in Sumatra, where she did many drawings ...
Lane, Henry Bowyer
Sketcher, architect and public servant, was in Melbourne by 10 August 1852. Despite his impressive references he lost his position at the Victorian government's Colonial ...
Lashbrooke, Ada
Sketcher, painted some watercolours of flowers in an unidentified album, the one work is dated 1859. An unsigned bunch of flowers, painted in a formal ...
Lau, Hermann, b.
Sketcher, traveller, musician and collector, was a native of Germany who was in New South Wales for four and a half years, but disliked Sydney. ...
Lawrance, David
Painter and assistant director at the Art Gallery of Western Australia in the 1950s who exhibited in the Festival of Perth in 1953, 1954 and ...
Le Jeune, Jules
Exploration artist, was the official artist on board 'La Coquille' which visited the Pacific and eastern Malaysian islands, New Guinea, Australia and New Zealand, 1822 ...
Sketcher, exhibited two works with the South Australian Society of Arts at Adelaide in 1859: 'Head' and 'The Ruined Tower'.
Lefroy, Charlotte Anne
A watercolour flower painter and wife of the soldier and scientist Sir John Henry Lefroy. She painted many watercolours of Bermuda and native Australian flowers.
Sketcher, arrived at Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land, aboard the Medway on 12 August 1827, with her four sisters and two brothers. Drawings of Aborigines ...
Illustrator, illuminator and designer, illuminated an address presented to Rev. Dr John Bede Polding, in the late 1840s. It was later praised as a masterpiece ...
Light, T.
Sketcher, was catalogued as the artist of The Pets (medium unspecified) shown at the 1859 exhibition of the South Australian Society of Arts, Adelaide.
Light, Walter G.
Sketcher, brother of the architect George Thomas Light, came to South Australia in 1849. From that year date his earliest surviving sketches, and all of ...
Painter, drawing teacher and lecturer, was presumably a member of the New York Livingston family of artists. He delivered a well-attended lecture on drawing at ...
Wife of the Governor of Victoria, she produced a small drawing which was included in the Picturesque Atlas of Australasia.
Lockhart, R.
Miss R. Lockhart exhibited with the West Australian Society of Arts in 1901.
Portraitist, draughtsman and conman, was a Van Diemen's Land expiree committed for trial in 1848 for defrauding his Melbourne employers, ironmongers Richardson & White.