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Sommer, John Conrad, b. 1828
Continental photographer, house painter and drawing teacher, who liked to keep up to date with the latest fashions in photography for commercial purposes.
Adamson, James Hazell, b. 1829
This diverse artist practised as a painter, lithographer and professional photographer. His works encompassed portrait, landscape and still life genres. Exhibiting in Adelaide, Melbourne and ...
Boyd, Adolarious Humphrey, b. 1829
An amateur photographer, Adolarious Humphrey Boyd took photographs of convicts in Tasmania (not surprising given his job as a penal officer).
Button, Henry, b. 1829
Colonial photographer connected to the artist John Glover through his wife, he published two albums containing some reproductions of his photographs, Memories of Fifty Years ...
Crawford, Frazer Smith, b. 1829
Professional photographer and photo-lithographer born in Scotland. A resident of Melbourne, Sydney and Adelaide, Crawford was possibly the first photographer in Australia to provide original ...
Marquis, Daniel, b. 1829
Male professional photographer, trained in Scotland, who offered a typical range of services through his Brisbane based studio. He produced many studio photographs of Indigenous ...
Stout, Stephen Montagu, b. 1829
Convicted of forgery and sentenced to fourteen years transportation, Stout became one of the handful of competent photographers working in Western Australia during the 1860s ...
Allport, Morton, b. 1830
Painter and amateur photographer. Allport appears to have made the first photographic expedition to the Lake St Clair region in Tasmania, exhibiting the stereoscopic photographs ...
Batchelor, William Henry, b. 1830
Arriving from England in 1854 with his wife, William Henry Batchelor disembarked at Adelaide and promptly went inland to Burra Burra where he lived the ...
Burgin, Henry William, b. 1830
Henry worked at a photographic studio in Parramatta in 1860-1864. Carte-de-visite studio portraits and views of the Hawkesbury River dating from this period are held ...
Curtis, Alfred Perkins, b. 1830
Professional photographer and schoolmaster. Resident of Perth, Western Australia he kept up with technological innovations.
Gorus, John, b. 1830
Professional photographer and alderman. Born in Holland, Gorus came to New South Wales and set up a photographic business on King Street in Sydney.
Howitt, Alfred William, b. 1830
Sketcher, amateur photographer, writer, explorer, scientist and public servant, was born in England and came to Victoria in 1852. He became an authority on the ...
Hunt, Robert, b. 1830
Robert Hunt was an amateur photographer and clerk. Outdoor stereoscopic views taken in 1855 by Hunt and John Smith are believed to be the first ...
Merlin, Henry, b. 1830
Travelling photographer, scene-painter, architect, showman and actor. Merlin created painted and photographic 'panoramas', and extensively photographed the houses and public buildings of many regional areas ...
Miller, Edward E., b. 1830
Painter, photographer, wax modeller and picture-frame maker, in Western Australia.
Tensfeld, J., b. 1830
Painter and professional photographer, showed artworks in fourth Annual Exhibition of Fine Arts at Melbourne in 1864, and in the Ballarat Mechanics Institute Exhibition, and ...
Wright, Thomas, b. 1830
Thomas Wright was a painter, professional photographer and prospector. According to William Moore, Wright was a pupil of the popular English landscape painter and Royal ...
Burnell, George, b. 1831
Mid-nineteenth-century photographer noted for a series of views of the Murray River.