by Mills, Wendy.
SELECTED GROUP & COMPUTER INSTALLATION. 'Sight of Judgement' interactive installation combining projections of digital images, black mesh and motion sensors. 840x600x400cm.
by Mills, Wendy.
SELECTED GROUP & COMPUTER INSTALLATION. 'Sight of Judgement' interactive installation combining projections of digital images, black mesh and motion sensors. 840x600x400cm.
by Mills, Wendy.
by Kimber, Mark.
Group exhibition
(Solo - touring to Melbourne, Sydney, Wollongong, Newcastle, Broken Hill)
Group Exhibition
Group Exhibition
by Jackson, Linda.
Solo Exhibition
by Walter, Regina.
Group exhibition
by Elliston, Peter.
Touring: Vigo, Barcelona, Tenerife, Valencia, Pamplona, Granada, Leon, Albacete, Cuenca and Murcia, and NSW. 1993-1994.
by Elliston, Peter.
Group exhibition
by Jones, Nola.
Solo Exhibition