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Bardwell-Clarke, C. S.
Photographer, portrait painter and miniaturist. He owned the Royal Studio, later Bardwell-Clarke Studios, in Hay Street, Perth over the Bon Marché Arcade.
Barker, Bradshaw
Bradshaw Barker was a painter who worked in oil and watercolour in the late 19th century. He lived and worked in Townsville, Qld.
Barnes, L. J.
L.J. Barnes was active around 1901 and exhibited at the Society of Artists Commonwealth Exhibition.
Barratt, Walter
A landscape painter, Walter Barratt worked in watercolours and was active in Launceston, Tasmania in the 1890s.
Barry, C. H.
C.H. Barry exhibited with the Royal Art Society in Sydney in 1909.
Mrs Bartlett exhibited at the Society of Artists Commonwealth Exhibition of 1901.
Bassett, M. V.
Little is know of the artist Bassett but that he was active c.1904.
Bates, W. T.
Little is known of the artist Bates but that he was active c.1908.
Baxter, Robert
A restless auteur, Robert Baxter travelled regularly throughout rural southwestern New South Wales as a professional photographer whose work included both portraiture and architecture.
Bayes, Gilbert
Gilbert Bayes was an English sculptor who created the bronze equestrian sculptures found on either side of the entrance to the Art Gallery of New ...
Bayfield, F. J.
Little is known of Bayfield but that her period of artistic activity was c.1890-1911.
Beament, J.
A painter, J. Beament exhibited Cornish and Victorian landscapes with the Victorian Artists' Society in the early 1900s.
China painter and embroiderer who exhibited with the West Australian Society of Arts.
Little is known of the artist Miss Becke but that she exhibitedwith the Royal Art Society of NSW in Sydney in 1905.
A talented flower painter, Lady Bedford was the wife of the Governor of Western Australia (1903-1909).
Bedford, Frederick George Denham
Governor of Western Australia and Patron of the West Australian Society of Arts, he was also an accomplished painter.
Beel, Monna V.
Beel was a member of the WA Society of Arts who trained at the Perth Technical School before the outbreak of World War I.
Beel, Mona V.
Painter who studied at the Perth Technical School and exhibited with the West Australian Society of Arts.
Bell, Rena
Little is known of the artist Rena Bell but that she was active c1904-1906.
Benison, J.
Federation-era Melbourne cartoonist and theatre designer. There is some speculation he might in fact be the cartoonist Percy Benison.