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Ediminja, Eddie Tjapangati, b. 1920
Pitjantjatjara artist who worked as a stockman for many years before beginning to paint in the mid 1970s with Papunya Tula Artists. Well connected with ...
Flower, Cedric, b. 1920
Late 20th century Sydney painter, illustrator, cartoonist and writer. Cedric Flower studied art with Dattilo Rubbo.
Forbes-Smith, Ira Eleanor Elizabeth, b. 1920
Designer of textiles, painter, china painter, leatherworker and art teacher. Forbes-Smith showed regularly with the Western Australian Women Painters and Applied Arts Society. In the ...
Gallagher, Charles Jampijinpa, b. 1920
Warlpiri speaker who paints Emu, Butterfly and Women's Dreamings for his country around Nyirrpi.
Gallagher, Jack Jampijinpa, b. 1920
Warlpiri artist who lived at Walilinypa, an outstation north of Yuendumu. He paints Fire Dreaming, often in collaboration with his wife Carol Gallagher.
Gill, Mick Tjakamarra, b. 1920
Senior Kukatja artist of Warlayirti Artists at Balgo (WA). His principal subject matter, Water Dreaming, was often depicted in tight swirling lines.
Hegedus, Laszlo, b. 1920
Laszlo Hegedus, painter and printmaker, was born in Budapest Hungary in 1920. He first arrived in Australia in 1949, returned to Europe in 1972 and ...
Inkamala, Ray Tjampitjinpa, b. 1920
Pintupi/Luritja artist from Illpili who worked as a stockman before joining Papunya Tula Artists in the early 1980s. Close friend and associate of Dick Pantimas. ...
Jawalji, Mick, b. 1920
Mick Jawalji was born at Yulumbu around 1920, just before the establishment of Tablelands Station. Jawalji began painting in Imintji around 2001 and joined the ...
Jugadai, Timmy Tjungarrayi, b. 1920
Important community leader in Haasts Bluff (NT). He often painted with Limpi Tjapangati, one of the pioneers of the Papunya Tula movement.
Kelly, Alice Napaljarri, b. 1920
Warlpiri artist, leader of women's ceremony, and skilled dancer in Lajamanu (NT).
Kemarre, Queenie, b. 1920
A Utopia painter who started her first works with canvas and acrylics in the summer of 1988-9.
Lungkarda, Shorty Tjungarrayi, b. 1920
A senior lawman and key figure in the Pintupi community in Papunya in the early days of the painting enterprise, renowned for his hunting and ...
Lynch, Johnny Tjapanangka, b. 1920
A leading stockman at Narwietooma station, he was one of the last men to join the group of painting men at nearby Papunya (NT) in ...
Mickininie, Old, b. 1920
An associate of Limpi Tjapangati, Mekini painted intermittently for Papunya Tula Artists at Haasts Bluff.
Mosquito, John Tjapangati, b. 1920
Kukatja/Walmatjari artist who was the senior "Rainmaker" in Balgo (WA) where he lived. His works depicted Tingari and Water Dreaming stories and reflected his deep ...
Moult-Spiers, Raymond Leon , b. 1920
Moult-Spiers began his career with an exhibition of pictures with the “Contemporary Art Society” in 1946. He was a student of art at East Sydney ...
Napaltjarri, Milliga, b. 1920
A Kukatja artist who began painting for Warlayirti Artists in 1989.