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Melbourne International Exhibition

for serving as an art juror

Adams, Amy
Female colonial sketcher who won fourth prize for a chalk and crayon drawing that was shown at the Melbourne International exhibition in 1880.
Adams, Burnett
Male colonial painter who exhibited with the Royal Art Society in 1885.
Adams, Charles J.
Male colonial watercolourist whose 1889 work 'Waterfall near Dalgetty' was eventually sold at auction in Melbourne in 1973.
Adderley, Rita
Colonial female artist who exhibited with the Victorian Artists' Society in 1889 and again in 1892. The Bulletin critic, noting her attractive still life of ...
Female colonial painter who exhibited with the Art Society of NSW in 1889.
Ahlston, C. R.
Colonial craftworker from Sydney Technical College whose imitation marble inlaid panels were exhibited as part of the home decorating displays for the 1887 Adelaide Jubilee ...
Airey, E. M.
Airey was a painter who exhibited a number of landscape paintings at the 1888-89 Melbourne Centennial International Exhibition.
Alexander, E. K. N.
Female colonial sketcher whose crayon drawings were exhibited in the NSW Court at the Melbourne International Exhibition in 1880.
Alexander, J.
Female colonial wood carver and craft worker who exhibited her wares, including two carved mirrors, at the Sydney International Exhibition in 1879. Given that near ...
Alford, Alice Baily
A Sydney-based craftworker and Watercolourist, Alice Baily Alford's work featured in the 1892 Exhibition of Women's Work in Sydney. Alford also exhibited at the Adelaide ...
Alkins, Horace F.
Alkins was a painter who was known to be active in Melbourne and Brisbane from 1880.
Allen, Victoria Frances Peele
Allen exhibited several works for sale in the Exhibition of Women's Work held in Sydney in 1888.
Allman, R.
Allman was a painter who exhibited with the Art Society of NSW in 1885.
Mr Alta was a scenic artist at the Alexandra Theatre in Melbourne, known for his wild appearance and 'elaborately realistic' scenery. He worked at a ...
Anderson, Robert
Colonial Sydney and Blue Mountains painter and sketcher who exhibited as an amateur at the NSW Academy of Art's sixth annual exhibition in 1877. Nearly ...
Anderson, Theodore
A prominent member of the Victorian Art scene, she was the only woman in a group that seceded from the Victorian Academy of Arts in ...
Anderson, William
A sketcher from West Maitland Superior Public School. Anderson exhibited at the Adelaide Jubilee International Exhibition of 1887.
Andrews, M. A.
A prolific and award-winning needleworker, M.A. Andrews exhibited with the Royal Agricultural Society of NSW and at the Sydney International Exhibition in 1879 and the ...