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Strickland, Violet Edith
Spinner and weaver. Strickland was a very strong minded person who taught spinning and weaving from around the First World War.
Swan, Louisa J.
Early 20th century Tasmanian painter and craftworker.
Sweatman, Estelle Mary
Melbourne painter, Jo Sweatman's "Study in White," curiously Whistlerian in style, was stated in the 'Lone Hand' to be one of the best; if not ...
Taylor, C. E.
Federation-era cartoonist and postcard artist who drew cartoons for the Arrow and the Australian Sunday Times during the Boer War.
Thatcher, Maude
A leatherworker whose repoussé work won second prize at the First Annual Exhibition of the NSW Society of Arts and Crafts in 1907.
Thomas, W. C.
Painter who exhibited in the Western Australian court of the 1900 Paris Exposition Internationale and at the Glasgow International Exhibition in 1902.
Thompson, Olive
Embroiderer and artist she was a student at Perth Technical School in 1905 under Loui Benham and J. W. R. Linton.
Thurston, Arthur E.
Metalsmith and leather worker who exhibited with the West Australian Society of Arts.
Tillyard, Patricia B.
'Community leader' and natural history illustrator.
Federation era Broken Hill newspaper cartoonist.
Tratman, Frank
Painter who exhibited with the West Australian Society of Arts. Mrs Tratman's husband was a highly qualified surgeon at Royal Perth Hospital.
Treeby, George
Federation-era Melbourne magazine cartoonist, illustrator and writer. Treeby contributed drawings to the Bulletin and Melbourne Punch as well as contributing articles to Lone Hand.
Treeby, Mab
Early 20th century Melbourne and Sydney Bulletin cartoonist and illustrator.
Treeby, Sid
Federation era Sydney magazine cartoonist.
Trevenen, M. M.
She was a working member of the West Australian Society of Arts.
Turner, Ethel M.
Ethel M. Turner was a sketcher. She painted a watercolour of Mount Morgan mine, south-west of Rockhampton in Central Queensland, between 1906 and 1913.
Unbehaun, Lena
Painter and embroiderer who exhibited with the West Australian Society of Arts in 1905.
Vanzetti, Francesco
Francesco Vanzetti was an artist and member of the WA Society of Arts who also taught at the Fremantle Technical School. His art nouveau design ...
Vaughan, H.
H. Vaughan was an amateur photographer who advertised a camera and chemicals for sale in August 1865.
West, Frederick Temple
Photographer and marine artist, had a photographic studio in Newcastle from 1895 to 1901. He employed artists including Reginald Borstel and Alfred Dufty to do ...