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Owtram, Elizabeth Ann, b. 1864
Miss E. A. Owtram both exhibited and taught painting in Perth i from the 1890s to the 1920s.
Finemore, Brian, b. 1925
Brian Finemore was the first curator of Australian art. He both shaped the collection of the National Gallery of Victoria and mentored a new generation ...
Gray, Anna, b. 1947
Anna Gray is the Head of Australian Art at the National Gallery of Australia. Originally from Western Australia she has been critical in bringing the ...
Whitelaw, Bridget Elizabeth, b. 1950
Bridget Whitelaw will long be remembered as one of the two curators who created Golden Summers, the first exhibition to define Australian Impressionism. Her career ...
Lloyd Rees Memorial Youth Art Award

by White, Anthony.

The Lloyd Rees Memorial Youth Art Award is a national bi-annual exhibition and art prize that was set-up during renowned artist, Lloyd Rees's lifetime. It ...

The Brett Whiteley Travelling Scholarships

by White, Anthony.

The Brett Whiteley Travelling Art Scholarship is an Australian annual art award in honour of the painter Brett Whiteley. The scholarship is administered by the ...