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Benbow, Anne, b. 1841
Anne Benbow lived her entire life in Oyster Cove, Tasmania, much of it on an old Aboriginal reserve. Despite the fact that many of Benbow's ...
Burchell, A.
Mr Burchell offered drawing class for Ladies at the Old Mechanics Hall, Melville-street Hobart, Tasmania
Duterrau, Benjamin, b. 1767
Duterrau arrived in Australia when he was 65. Already an established artist, he produced many Australian 'firsts' including 'The Conciliation' - the first history painting ...
Dunnett, Frank C., b. 1822
Frank C. Dunnett was a painter, lithographer and surveyor. As a chronic asthmatic he was advised to leave Britain and so in about 1856 he ...
Brabin, J. H.
J.H. Brabin was an architect in Hobart, Tasmania in the mid 1880s who also offered lessons in technical drawing.
Leake, Charles Henry, b. 1819
Sketcher, farmer and politician of German descent who resided in Tasmania.
Lloyd, Henry Grant, b. 1830
A prolific watercolourist painter and sketcher, Lloyd is known as 'Australia's peripatetic artist'. He travelled indefatigably throughout his long life, recording many landscapes in Australia, ...
Cathcart, May
Sketcher and craftworker of Launceston. She exhibited at the 1888-89 Melbourne Centennial International Exhibition.
Tasmanian colonial art teacher who exhibited everyone else's work except his own and taught chemistry and mineralogy to pay for the space.
Colonial Tasmanian sketcher, cartoonist and school-teacher, Birchall's work attracted the favourable attention of the Mercury newspaper on the occasion of its hanging in a Hobart ...
Neville, E. H.
Sketched Tasmanian scenes that include Campbell Town, Hobart Town, rural areas and churches. He produced an album containing seventeen of his watercolour sketches.
Nichols, Mary, b. 1837
Nichols came from an artistic family and is believed to have been enthusiastic about sketching, however there is no existing work.
Clarke, Percy
Widely travelled Colonial era painter, sketcher and author.
Reidy, Lilla, b. 1858
Lilla Reidy, sketcher and painter, exhibited regularly with the Victorian Artists' Society from 1895 to 1910. During the 1890s she worked at Charterisville with Emanuel ...
McCormick, Robert, b. 1800
McCormick is neither remembered for his excellence in the navy nor blessed with a magnificent portfolio that might redeem his deficiencies in this area. Although ...
Rowntree, Edward Casson, b. 1810
The best known architectural work by Edward Casson Rowntree is the Hobart Town Savings Bank (now the Murray Street branch of the Savings Bank of ...
Joubert, Jules François De Sales, b. 1824
Nineteenth century art and language teacher, exhibition organiser, theatrical entrepreneur and property developer he played a major part in expanding colonial Australian representation in international ...
Sommer, John Conrad, b. 1828
Continental photographer, house painter and drawing teacher, who liked to keep up to date with the latest fashions in photography for commercial purposes.
Bowring, Emily Stuart, b. 1835
Sketcher Emily Stuart Bowring's known and attributed pencil and watercolour drawings are mainly of places where she lived or visited. Most depict homesteads or their ...
Bartlett, T. F.
In 1888, a writer on the Mercury was enthusiastic about the artistic skills of T.F. Bartlett, an untrained but gifted artist.