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Allport, Alice, b. 1840
Sketcher, one of a number of children of artist Henry Curzon Allport. Examples of Alice's work can be found in the Mitchell Library, State Library ...
Allport, Bertha Betts, b. 1831
A sketcher, whose ink sketch entitled 'Parramatta River' c.1853 was acquired by the Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales.
Crux, Arthur
Sketcher, drawing teacher, architect and builder. A lecture Crux delivered on the subject of drawing at the Parramatta School of Arts in October 1858 was ...
Allport, Catherine Davison, b. 1838
A sketcher and member of the artistic Allport family, one of her watercolours is held in the Mitchell Library, NSW and an ink sketch is ...
Boulton, Edward Baker, b. 1812
Edward Baker Boulton was a grazier in northern New South Wales whose artistic practice is said to have enjoyed more attention than his sheep. A ...
Fyans, Foster, b. 1790
Although known more for his eccentricities and lively memoirs than his art, Fyans was a sophisticated watercolourist. He is known for a fine picture of ...
Canning, G.
Draughtsman and artist of a perspective view of the Sydney (Stock) Exchange.
G., A.
Sketcher, filled a sketchbook with views while living in Sydney in 1859-60. Most are watercolours and all are monogrammed (somewhat indecipherably) and dated. They include ...
Barney, George, b. 1792
George Barney was an English military officer who rose through the ranks of the Royal Engineers to become one of the most regarded and pioneering ...
Bennett, George, b. 1804
After two previous trips to Australia as a natural historian, George Bennett finally settled in Sydney in 1836 and worked as a medical practitioner. He ...
Cobley, George
Sketcher and professional photographer. In partnership with Carl Ebye at Glenn Innes, NSW in 1867.
Ball, Adam Gustavus, b. 1821
Like so many artists of the period, Ball's job as a civil engineer allowed him to travel throughout South Australia recording scenes of outback life ...
Fairland, Charles Henry
Charles Henry Fairland was a painter, lithographer, illustrator and drawing master. He became town clerk of Hunters Hill municipality on its inception in 1861. His ...
Bloxsome, Henrietta E.
Living in Australia for roughly two decades in the mid-19th century, a number of Henrietta Bloxsome's works survive in national collections. They variously depict scenes ...
Hodgson, Eliza, b. 1820
Painter and sketcher, was born in England and came to Sydney in 1828. In 1842 she moved to Queensland with her husband where she became ...
Ironside, Adelaide Eliza, b. 1831
Adelaide Ironside was was the first Australian artist to leave home to advance her career in Europe. Her mature work earned her an audience with ...
Banks, J.
An art student who won a prize for one of his drawings at the Sydney Mechanics School of Arts in 1859.
Adamson, James Hazell, b. 1829
This diverse artist practised as a painter, lithographer and professional photographer. His works encompassed portrait, landscape and still life genres. Exhibiting in Adelaide, Melbourne and ...
Jobson, Frederick James, b. 1821
Colonial-era sketcher, architect and clergyman, he published various books on Australia, Methodism in the Australian colonies and ecclesiastical architecture that were illustrated with his own ...
Aitken, John
Colonial sketcher and clergyman who managed to produce an album of sketches while on a whirlwind 12 month world tour that took in NSW, Victoria, ...