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Boake, Barcroft Capel, b. 1838
Barcroft Capel Boake was one of the most well-known and successful professional photographers of the second half of the 19th century but beset by economic ...
Clint, Alfred, b. 1843
A Colonial-era cartoonist, illustrator and scene-painter, Alfred Clint contributed works to the Ballarat and Sydney editions of Punch among others. Equally well-known for his work ...
Colquhoun, Alexander, b. 1862
Federation era Victorian painter and illustrator.
Duterrau, Benjamin, b. 1767
Duterrau arrived in Australia when he was 65. Already an established artist, he produced many Australian 'firsts' including 'The Conciliation' - the first history painting ...
Diederich, Edmund, b. 1854
Trained in lithography and photography in Germany, Edmund Diederich emigrated to South Australia in 1881. He worked for a short time in Adelaide before pursuing ...
à Beckett, Edward, b. 1844
Colonial painter of landscapes who was painted in the act of painting by Emma Minne Boyd, matriarch of the influential family of artists.
Esam, Arthur
Colonial era Adelaide newspaper illustrator. Esam drew old-time coaching scenes for 'Frearson's Weekly.'
Collingridge, George, b. 1847
Wood engraver, painter, founding member of the Royal Art Society of NSW, and founder of Australian Art, the first local magazine devoted to art. George ...
Gregory, George, b. 1843
Gregory worked in Auckland where he opened a photographic studio, painted landscapes and still lifes and carved pew ends and altars for New Zealand churches.
Egersdörfer, Heinrich, b. 1853
Late colonial era German-born painter, illustrator and cartoonist. Worked in Sydney and Melbourne as well as Cape Town, South Africa. He founded 'The South African ...
Dancey, George Henry, b. 1864
British born Federation era cartoonist and stained glass designer.
Daplyn, Alfred James, b. 1844
Daplyn was an English born painter, art teacher, journalist, and arts administrator. Although his work is little known today, he was an important early advocate ...
Campbell, John, b. 1855
Scenic painter and decorator who worked in Western Australia, Queensland, New South Wales and Tasmania. Campbell also painted views of places and buildings around Perth.
Hoyte, John Barr Clark, b. 1835
An artist and a teacher, originally from England, via New Zealand. Two watercolours were purchased by Christie's and auctioned at Sotheby's,17 November 2002.
Broinowski, Gracius Joseph, b. 1837
Peripatetic artist who produced copious landscape images and sold them off inventively (through art unions). Finally settling down in Sydney, he taught in various private ...
Fischer, Amandus Julius, b. 1859
Federation era Sydney magazine and newspaper cartoonist, painter and book illustrator.
Hall, L. Bernard, b. 1859
Influential early 20th century Melbourne painter, art teacher and art gallery director.
Hopkins, Livingston, b. 1846
A conservative and influential late colonial era Bulletin cartoonist, who came to Australia after a successful career in the US. He was known as an ...
Brown, Joseph Lyne
Renowned for his caustic wit later in life as an alderman on Cairns City Council, as a photographer Brown is best known for popularising the ...
MacCormac, Andrew, b. 1826
Male colonial painter of portraits, a few landscape and genre paintings, who mainly worked in South Australia, portraying the upper classes.