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Colquhoun, Alexander, b. 1862
Federation era Victorian painter and illustrator.
Donald, Will
Early 20th century cartoonist and comic book artist.
Dyson, Will, b. 1880
Important early 20th century political, Dyson was appointed an official war cartoonist in 1916. Working extensively both in Australia and overseas, Dyson was married to ...
Brown, Frederick A.
Early 20th century Sydney political cartoonist, who began with wood-cameo portraits.
Bell, George, b. 1878
Painter, teacher and art critic, George Bell spent a number of years in Europe studying, painting and working as an official war artist from 1918 ...
Finey, George, b. 1895
Mid 20th century Auckland and Sydney left-wing caricaturist, cartoonist, painter, sculptor and collage artist. Infamous for his bohemian lifetsyle.
Cumberworth, Frederick H., b.
Early 20th century New Zealand cartoonist who worked in Sydney in the [1890s? and] 1920s and London in the 1930s.
Fullwood, A. H., b. 1863
Leading late colonial era painter, cartoonist and illustrator.
Gye, Harold, b. 1888
Prolific early 20th century Melbourne cartoonist, illustrator, postcard designer and painter. Illustrated C.J. Dennis's 'Songs of a Sentimental Bloke'.
Harrison, Henry Bromilow, b. 1878
Early 20th century Brisbane and Melbourne painter and cartoonist. Harrison showed his work with Queensland Art Society, (Brisbane).
Beecroft, Herbert, b. 1864
Widely printed early 20th century Sydney painter, miniaturist, postcard artist and theatrical lightning sketch artist and lecturer.
Crisp, James Alexander, b. 1879
Early 20th century painter and illustrator and the younger brother of the painter Henry J. Crisp. James Crisp lived alternatively in Sydney and California for ...
Jordan, Ben
Early 20th century Sydney cartoonist and illustrator. Johnson did illustrations for a number of books for the NSW Bookstall Co. including Steele Rudd's 'On An ...
Julius, Harry, b. 1885
Early 20th century Sydney cartoonist, caricaturist, printmaker, illustrator, commercial artist, publisher and company director. Founded Smith & Julius agency with Sydney Ure Smith.
Henderson, Andrew Kennaway, b. 1879
Early 20th century New Zealand painter, political cartoonist and illustrator who worked in Sydney and Melbourne during the 1920s. A socialist and conscientious objector who ...
Koch, Frank
An early 20th century cartoonist and self-described 'Adelaide man', Koch was a major contributor of cartoons to Adelaide publications the 'Gadfly' and 'Critic'. For a ...
Lambert, George, b. 1873
Influential painter and illustrator.
Hartt, Cecil Lawrence, b. 1884
Early 20th century Melbourne-born Sydney and wartime newspaper cartoonist. He was the first president of the Australian Black and White Artists' Club (1924-30) formed on ...
Board, Leslie, b. 1881
Leslie Board was an early 20th century painter and comic artist. A student at the Sydney Art School, Board worked for a time as a ...
Lindsay, Lionel, b. 1874
The first member of the prolific Lindsay family to become a professional illustrator. A constant experimenter with photography and etching, Lionel Lindsay became a dominant ...