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Bock, Alfred, b. 1835
One of the pioneers of early photography in the 19th century along with his stepfather Thomas Bock, Alfred Bock also pursued a number of other ...
Cole, Chassie, b. 1857
Charlotte Ann Reeve Cole (Chassie) showed an early interest in art and began entering various exhibitions, including Ballarat Juvenile Exhibition of 1878. She won medals ...
Edwell, Bernice E., b. 1880
Miniaturist, craftworker and painter of small landscapes. She was a founding Council member of the New South Wales Society of Women Painters.
Broinowski, Gracius Joseph, b. 1837
Peripatetic artist who produced copious landscape images and sold them off inventively (through art unions). Finally settling down in Sydney, he taught in various private ...
Jefferson, Joseph, b. 1829
Joseph Jefferson was a landscape and scene-painter and an actor. He was born in 1829 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Jefferson made his stage debut when he ...
Mason, Cyrus, b. 1829
English colonial male lithographer, watercolourist, and draughtsman. His diverse career included writing and illustrating children's books, teaching, publishing newspapers, public speaking and founding music and ...
Merfield, Bertha Elizabeth, b. 1869
Known for her mural paintings in Victoria, Bertha E. Merfield was a pioneer of landscape painting among female artists in Australia. Her mural for the ...
Payne, Ellen Nora, b. 1865
Ellen Nora Payne was a painter and wood-carver. In 1891 she moved to Melbourne and studied under the Art Nouveau carver, Robert Prenzel. Payne also ...
Reidy, Lilla, b. 1858
Lilla Reidy, sketcher and painter, exhibited regularly with the Victorian Artists' Society from 1895 to 1910. During the 1890s she worked at Charterisville with Emanuel ...
Reynolds, Len, b. 1897
Cartoonist, illustrator and painter. Reynolds attended Hobart Technical College in 1909-12, 1914 and 1918 and exhibited with the Art Society of Tasmania in 1918-19.
Roth, A. Constance, b. 1859
Constance Roth, painter, cartoonist, decorative artist, art teacher and journalist, taught life drawing at Julian Ashton's in 1885. She departed Australia in 1892, travelling to ...
Vincent, Alfred James, b. 1874
A Federation era Bulletin cartoonist and painter, based mainly in Melbourne, Alfred Vincent was the first visual artist to join the Melbourne Savage Club.
Weston, Henry John, b. 1874
Cartoonist, painter, commercial artist and architect. Weston was a member of many clubs and societies, and associated with many of Australia's now famous cartoonists and ...
Whiting, Ada, b. 1858
Oil and watercolour painter and miniaturist, was born in Hobart, Tasmania. She was a rapid worker, painting up to three miniatures a week, landscapes, flowers ...
Williamson, Elizabeth, b. 1860
Elizabeth Sarah (Lillie) Williamson was a frame-maker. She married Tom Roberts on 30 April 1896. Her frames were hung at the Royal Academy in London ...
Woodhouse, Herbert James, b. 1858
Late colonial period Melbourne painter, illustrator, printmaker and sculptor, is buried in Geelong Cemetery, Victoria.