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Halliday, Iain, b. 1961
Halliday is a designer active in interior design and furniture design as a partner in Burley Katon Halliday, Sydney and New York.
Fairweather, Ian, b. 1891
The Scottish born artist Ian Fairweather travelled extensively throughout South East Asia and China before finally building a thatched hut on Bribie Island off the ...
Cooke, Kaz, b. 1962
Prolific contemporary Melburnian cartoonist, illustrator, filmmaker, comedian and writer.
Campbell, Lesley, b. 1925
Lesley Campbell is an artist who focuses on the traditional landscape and has made his career painting the spectacular scenery of Central Australia and the ...
Jackson, Linda, b. 1950
Linda Jackson is an artist, writer, and painter who has worked in the fashion industry. Jackson was born in Melbourne in 1950.
Mosey, Anne, b. 1950
Anne Mosey is an installation artist best known for her cross-cultural collaborations with Dolly Nampijinpa Daniels. She was a founding member of the Artist Run ...
Murch, Arthur James, b. 1902
Painter and sculptor, assistant to George Lambert, and in World War II the War artist who captured images of the bombed city of Darwin. Later ...
Owen, Louise , b. 1959
Louise feels an urgency and obligation to address the global climate crisis. As an environmental artist, her work is concerned with our relationship with the ...
Pink, Olive Muriel, b. 1884
Pink was an artist with training at the Hobart Technical College and the Julian Ashton School, Sydney. Working from a base in the Northern Territory, ...
Stockdale, Harry, b. 1841
Harry Stockdale was sketcher, collector, explorer and horseman who also contributed articles on Aborigines and other subjects to various periodicals in the late 1800s.
Thompson, Mark, b. 1949
Thompson is a painter, ceramicist and theatre/event designer with work for the Australian Opera, the State Theatre Company of South Australia and other professonal companies.
Tuckson, Tony, b. 1921
For much of his life Tony Tuckson's reputation was as the Assistant Director of he Art Gallery of New South Wales, passionately advocating for Aboriginal ...
Sweet, Samuel White, b. 1825
Colonial photographer and master mariner, awarded a silver medal for his photographs at the Calcutta International Exhibition in 1885. His photographic career included some unusual ...