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Bruce, Harry
Contemporary regional Queensland newspaper cartoonist.
Campbell, F. Harry, b. 1907
Mid 20th century Sydney illustrator and cartoonist.
Cherry, Harry
Mid 20th century Bulletin cartoonist.
Divola, Harry, b. 1913
Divola designed commercial and domestic buildings and interiors in Sydney during the late 1940s and early 1950s. He also provided a plan service for readers ...
Furniss, Harry, b. 1854
19th century Irish-born caricaturist, writer and illustrator who published a book based on his travels in Australasia in 1899.
Grist, Harry, b. 1847
A scenic artist who emigrated from Britain to find work in Australia and painted 'View of the Wreck of the Loch Aird', a scene of ...
Harries, Eustace, b. 1847
Sketcher and public servant, he worked as a draughtsman in Brisbane. His sketches from the 1860s record several of Brisbane's major buildings.
Harris, Alana, b. 1966
Indigenous photographer Alana Harris has worked as the Senior Photographer Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies and her work is concerned with ...
Harris, Elizabeth
Photographer who worked in Sydney at the turn of the century, often with Thomas Laidlaw and sometimes independently.
Harris, Eve
Printmaker, did the linocut cover of the February-March 1945 issue of 'New Theatre Review', the monthly publication of the New Theatre, Melbourne.
Harris, George, b. 1775
Sketcher and surveyor, he was one of the first settlers of both Port Phillip, Victoria and Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land (Tasmania). He made surveys, ...
Beam, Harriet
Mrs Harriet Beam showed her watercolour paintings featuring groups of flowers at the Victorian Exhibition of 1872.
Halhed, Harriet, b. 1850
Australian-born painter in the Edwardian style; trained in UK and France. Associated with Chelsea bohemian set and Arts and Craft Movement.
Body, Harriett
Harriet Body is an artist based in Sydney.
Boyd, Harriette E.
WhileHarriette E. Boyd is known to have trained at the Design and Painting schools of the National Gallery of Victoria in the late 19th century, ...