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Cripps, Esther A., b. 1858
Miss Esther A. Cripps was a watercolour painter. She exhibited at the Sydney International Exhibition in 1879-80.
Watercolourist who exhibited an original work, entitled 'The Bush' at the Metropolitan Intercolonial Exhibition held in Sydney in 1875.
Art teacher who advertised in the 1905 West Australian Society of Arts catalogue.
Miss Docker, painted the original Bontharambo Plains homestead on the Ovens River, Victoria. However, it is not known which daughter (of eleven children) painted the ...
The Misses Downing painted Tasmanian flora and fauna. Their designs were recreated on fine china, for sale in exclusive shops.
A watercolourist who was awarded an honourable mention when her watercolours of native flowers were shown at the 1861 Victoria Exhibition at Melbourne. They were ...
A sketcher, Miss Eckford won the prize for the best watercolour flower painting in the Industrial Exhibition held at the Maitland School of Arts, 1861.
A botanical painter whose watercolours of flowers are now in the Customs House Museum, Goondiwindi, Queensland. She was lost at sea returning to Ireland when ...
Garrett, L.
Tasmanian watercolourist and schoolteacher exhibited at Hobart Town Art Treasures Exhibition in 1862-63.
Painter, known exhibited works are of landscapes and flowers. Exhibited in Victoria.
Gillam, E.
Showed watercolour paintings of flowers in an exhibition in 1873.
Miss Gillbanks was a painter who exhibited with the West Australian Society of Arts in 1898.
Gray, D.
Miss D. Gray was a painter who exhibited with the West Australian Society of Arts in 1904 and 1906.
Hall, E.
Watercolour painter and sketcher, won the prize for watercolour painting at the 1859 exhibition of the South Australian Society of Arts.
Higgs, E. A.
Miss E. A. Higgs was a painter. In 1885 she was included in an art exhibition organised at Launceston.
Jones, Mary E.
Painter, organised the Queensland Women's Art Exhibition held in October 1891. She advertised herself as having studied and taught at the National Gallery, London and ...
Kennedy, K.
Miss Kennedy is best known for the 'elegantly and tastefully coloured' transparencies she created and that were used as street decorations during the Duke of ...