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Backhouse, James, b. 1794
Only in Australia for six years, Backhouse kept extensive records of his experiences, which were then posthumously published in London. His observations have proven to ...
Baines, James Alex, b. 1814
Baines was a cabinetmaker who arrived in 1840 on the Island Queen from London.
Bicheno, James Ebenezer, b. 1785
James Ebenezer Bicheno arrived in Van Dieman's Land for a position as Colonial Secretary. Active in the artistic community of Hobart in the 1840s and ...
Crawford, James Coutts, b. 1817
Watercolour painter, writer, naval officer and settler. Resident of England, New Zealand and Australia, his sketches are more the work of a gentleman traveller interested ...
Dana, James Dwight, b. 1813
An eminent US scholar, considered to be "a towering figure in the history of geology". Dana's contribution to Australian geology was his description and mapping ...
Daplyn, Alfred James, b. 1844
Daplyn was an English born painter, art teacher, journalist, and arts administrator. Although his work is little known today, he was an important early advocate ...
Dickson, James Archibald Campbell, b. 1836
Scottish born painter, policeman, husband and father. He is known only for one work, 'Cameron's Farm, Myponga' (1866), a competent representation of contemporary rural life.
Dunlop, James, b. 1793
Nineteenth-century astronomer, a poet and a collector of geological, anthropological and natural history specimens. Dunlop clearly had some sketching ability.
Emery, James, b. 1794
James Emery drew the earliest known views of the Darwin area as a lieutenant aboard the 'Beagle' about 1840 and his work was included in ...
Hall, James
Painter and amateur photographer, he exhibited in South Australia between 1847 and 1859.
Henderson, James, b. 1821
Sketcher, photographer, engineer and explorer, he came to Adelaide in 1840 as a surveyor. The drawings and paintings Henderson made on an 1843 expedition to ...
Blaxland, Jane Elizabeth, b. 1806
Jane Elizabeth Blaxland was born into one of the early colonial 'aristocratic' families of Australia and although she was reported by others to have been ...
Currie, Jane Eliza, b. 1794
Miniature and watercolour painter, born in England, UK. Resident of Western Australia she painted some of earliest known views taken in the area.
Cumming, Janet, b. 1832
Sketcher born in Glasgow, Scotland but later a resident of Adelaide. Scott's drawings were praised for their 'fanciful design and spirited execution'.
Janssen, Jacob, b. 1779
Landscape, still-life and portrait painter, was born 1779 at Einlage, Prussia. He was trained by Signor Piesio Ancora, a member of the School of Naples, ...
Jeffreys, Arthur, b.
Arthur served in the Royal Navy but retired as lieutenant in 1840 and settled in New South Wales after which he married and worked as ...
Jervis, Henry Cooper, b. 1816
Nineteenth century engraver and printer in Adelaide and Sydney, whose work included engraving stamps for the Post Office.