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Garling, Clarence, b. 1835
Sketcher, little known about his works. Took lessons from S.T. Gill.
Garling, Frederick, b. 1806
Earning his living working at Customs House, Frederick Garling only had early mornings and weekends to spend on his painting yet he was regarded as ...
Angas, George French, b. 1822
A watercolour and natural history painter, many of Angas's sketches from his travels as a naturalist in the mid 1800s became the basis for lithographic ...
Appleton, George A.
Painter, lithographer and photographic colourist during the 1860s. With Alexander Habbe, Appleton painted transparencies to celebrate the Sydney visit of the Duke of Edinburgh in ...
Barrow, George, b. 1833
George Barrow was transported to Western Australian for the crime of forgery, but quickly established himself as a lithographer and music-seller in Fremantle. He left ...
Behrens, George
George Behrens worked as a professional photographer in Ararat Victoria in 1866-67 where he was listing in all the major directories.
Bennett, George, b. 1804
After two previous trips to Australia as a natural historian, George Bennett finally settled in Sydney in 1836 and worked as a medical practitioner. He ...
Cherry, George, b. 1820
Professional photographer, inventor and penal officer born in England. Resident of Norfolk Island and Tasmania.
Collingridge, George, b. 1847
Wood engraver, painter, founding member of the Royal Art Society of NSW, and founder of Australian Art, the first local magazine devoted to art. George ...
Coward, George
Professional photographer in South Australia.
Dinham, George, b. 1807
George Dinham emigrated to Tasmania around 1846, he was an amateur painter who exhibited in several major exhibitions.
Forsyth, George Andrew Duncan, b.
A sketcher, harbour master and godson of the eminent cartoonist George Cruikshank, he made pen and ink and watercolour sketches of Fremantle and Rottnest Island.
Frazer, George, b. 1834
Soldier and cabinetmaker who arrived in Australia in 1864.