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Mr. Beilby showed seven paintings at the 1847 Exhibition of Colonial Artists in Adelaide. The works, which included landscape and figurative works, received mixed reviews.
Mr Bushelle was an artist who painted the Hungarian crest on a silk flag for Mr J Rose that was exhibited at the 1877 annual ...
Mr. Butler exhibited his works in the meetings organised by the Brush Club.
Painter from Victoria. Participated in the Melbourne Centennial Exhibition in 1888.
Cummins, John, b. 1950
Commercial artist, John Cummins has had a number of commissions since gaining his degree in Commercial Art and Industry at the Townsville College of TAFE. ...
Doolan Jnr., Billy, b. 1952
Billy Doolan Jnr. is from Palm Island, Queensland and is a painter who works with synthetic polymer paint on linen. He is also a wood ...
Mr Douglas was a scene painter. In 1855 and 1866 he worked for Sydney's new Prince of Wales Theatre. In 1869 Douglas worked for the ...
Mr Farquhar, the insurance salesman, must have delighted his Scottish employers when he painted for their Melbourne offices a patriotic transparency, showing the crowned lion ...
A painter who was said in November 1867 to have painted 'some very handsome transparencies' for the forthcoming Victorian visit of the Duke of Edinburgh.
A scene-painter and carpenter who painted the scenery for performances at the Theatre Royal in 1833 and who redecorated the auditorium of the Royal Victoria ...
Forbs, , b. 1820
A portrait and house painter, presumably Robert Forbes, who worked in Rundle Street, Adelaide in the 1860s. Forbs died at Port Adelaide on 6 June ...
Gerzabek, Ernie, b.
Contemporary visual artist, Gerzabek is a landscape and abstract painter and sculptor. He previously worked as a chartered architect.
Hill, Andrew, b. 1952
An Adelaide-born painter and printmaker whose exhibitions such as ‘Land of Promises’, ‘All Our Working Lives’, ‘We Helped Build Australia’, ‘A Bitter Song’, ‘Shoulder to ...
Painter, painted a transparency to celebrate the marriage of the Prince of Wales in 1863. When this was hanging outside the Stranger's Home Coffee Rooms ...
Jans, Jack, b. 1992
Jack Andrew Wilkie-Jans is an artist, artsworker, curator and events and exhibitions coordinator. His tribal Grandmother was the late Thancoupie/ Thanakupi, Dr Gloria Fletcher James ...
Sketcher, was reported by the Melbourne Argus as having taken a sketch immediately after the 'Admella' was wrecked off the South Australian coast on 12 ...
Natural history painter, apparently executed drawings of 'Birds, Fish, Animals, Plants &c' for General Grose while Grose was Lieutenant-Governor of NSW in 1792-94. There is ...
Possibly the unknown artist who painted 'The Farm of Major William Nairn near York WA' auctioned through Sotheby's in November 1998.