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Napanangka, Betty, b.
Warlpiri/Anmatyerre artist whose principal painting subjects are her Dreamings, Warlkilpirri and Malpa, Bush Beans. Life-long resident of Willowra, NT.
Napanangka, Eileen, b. 1957
Luritja artist born at Umbungurru, near Papunya, now living at Napperby with her in-laws.
Napanangka, Elma, b. 1950
Anmatyerre artist from Mt Allan (NT).
Napanangka, Gladys, b. 1930
Senior Luritja artist who lived in Papunya, she initially assisted her second husband, Johnny Warangkula, on his canvases. Her work is in the collection of ...
Napanangka, Minnie, b.
A Warlpiri speaker and senior women in the Willowra community. She paints a Cave story and Bush Onion, Bush Tomato and Bush Bean Dreamings.
Baggot, Kathy Napangardi, b. 1960
Anmatyerre artist and member of the Mt Allan community. Baggott is married to fellow artist David Stafford.
Brown, Mary Napangardi, b. 1950
Pintupi artist and member of the Nyirrpi community. Her principal painting subject is Bush Tomato Dreaming from her country east of Lake Mackay (NT).
Frank, Carol Napangardi, b. 1965
Anmatyerre artist from Mt Allan (NT) and daughter of the community's headman Frank Japanangka.
Gallagher, Carol Napangardi, b. 1935
Born c. 1935 at Larlkapura, north of Yuendumu in Mudbra country. She is Mubra/Warlpiri and responsible for a Women Dreaming and a Seed (Lukarrara) Dreaming.
Jigili, Judy Napangardi, b.
Warlpiri artist who lives at Lajamanu (NT) and often painted with her husband the late Fred Jigili - and also her daughter Yulanti Jigili.
Jigili, Margaret Napangardi, b.
A Warlpiri artist from Lajamanu (NT), Jigili's country is Kirriwarrangi and her Dreamings are Ngarrka (Men's Dreaming) and Yungkuyirrarnu. She lives at Lajamanu and started ...
Jones, Florrie Napangardi
A Warlpiri artist who lives in Yuendumu (NT) and paints for Warlukurlangu Artists.
Lewis, Margaret Napangardi, b. 1956
Born at Yuendumu, Lewis sold her work to several local galleries in Alice Springs where she lived in the `1990s. Her principal subject matter is ...
Martin, Georgina Napangardi, b. 1962
Warlpiri/Katitji artist of Willowra who started painting in 1988.
Napangardi, Anne, b.
Warlpiri artist and member of the Willowra community.
Napangardi, Daisy, b. 1955
Anmatyerre artist and daughter of senior Mt Allan head man, Frank Japanangka. She lives between Napperby and her traditional country, Yuelamu (Mt Allan).
Napangardi, Eunice, b. 1950
A Luritja/Warlpiri artist and leading woman artist in the desert painting movement in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Painted mainly for the Centre for ...
Napangardi, Georgina
Warlpiri artist from Willowra (NT).
Napangardi, Maisie, b. 1930
Warlpiri artist who lives in Lajamanu (NT). Her work is in the National Gallery of Victoria.
Kelly, Lily Napangati, b. 1948
Luritja artist, born in Haasts Bluff, who came to Papunya in the 1960s. She painted for Papunya Tula Artists when they serviced Mt Liebig in ...