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Todd, Sarah Squire, b. 1861
Wood-carver and needleworker, her artworks were included in the 1907 Exhibition of Women's Work at Melbourne, after studying at the Hobart Technical College. The inspiration ...
Roberts, Tom, b. 1856
One of Australia's most iconic painters, Tom Roberts was an early champion of plein-air painting and together with Frederick McCubbin, Roberts helped establish the famous ...
Traill, Jessie, b. 1881
Painter and etcher, an outstanding feature of her life was her extensive travelling between France, England and Australia. She received much praise for her etchings ...
Treeby, Mab
Early 20th century Melbourne and Sydney Bulletin cartoonist and illustrator.
Tristram, John William, b. 1870
Self-taught English-born painter who arrived in Sydney as a child in 1883. He was a resident of Mosman for most of his life and was ...
Tuck, Marie, b. 1866
Marie Tuck was a South Australian painter and printmaker. Heavily Influenced by French culture and painting, Tuck travelled to France where she took lessons from ...
Blake, Florence Turner, b. 1873
Encouraged to take up art lessons by her neighbour Julian Ashton, Blake raised money to pay for classes by breeding pups from her pug dog. ...
McConnel, Ursula Hope, b. 1888
McConnel had a full academic career which involved research in both London and Australia. Yet despite publishing regular scholarly articles and receiving a Rockefeller Fellowship ...
Vale, May, b. 1862
A painter, enameller and art teacher, May Vale was acclaimed for her 'pioneering' work in enamels, which included Australian landscapes and large scale pieces such ...
Correll, Valeria Helen, b. 1886
Potter, sculptor, enameller, china painter, illustrator and author, born in Port Augusta, SA. Resident of Melbourne, Victoria, she produced distinctive lightly coloured, hand-modelled figure groups ...
Vanzetti, Francesco, b. 1878
Artist, designer, metalsmith, architect, farmer, research officer and lecturer. He designed the "Certificate of Award" for the Coolgardie exhibition of 1899. Vanzetti also designed a ...
Vaughan, H.
H. Vaughan was an amateur photographer who advertised a camera and chemicals for sale in August 1865.
Hackett, Deborah Vernon, b.
International entrepreneur, welfare worker, writer and china painter. A philanthropist who contributed to many causes concerned with the welfare of women and children.
Cobb, Victor Ernest, b. 1876
Etcher and woodcut printmaker. Cobb worked as a professional printmaker in Victoria from the 1920s.
Mann, Gother Victor Fyers, b. 1863
Best known for being a long term director of the (then) National Art Gallery of NSW, Mann was also a talented artist and trained architect.
Fleay, Maude Edith Victoria, b. 1869
A painter who studied under Frederick McCubbin, Glover was regarded for her natural history subject matter. She was also a writer and music teacher, and ...
Lahey, Vida, b. 1882
A traditional painter specializing in still life and landscape subjects, but is probably best known for Monday Morning, a painting of women's domestic labour. She ...
Teague, Violet, b. 1872
A painter and printmaker, spent many of her informative years in Europe. While receiving numerous accolades and awards for her artistic practice, she was the ...
Appleby, L. W., b. 1872
Appleby was a New Zealand photographer who trained with Falk Studios in Sydney and in Newcastle before partnering with Emma Manning in the Christchurch studio ...
Bostock, Cecil W., b. 1888
Cecil W. Bostock was a photographer who practiced in the early 20th century. He also designed window displays for David Jones department store. Examples of ...