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Fletcher, Winifred Scott, b. 1871
A carver and metalworker Fletcher worked almost exclusively with pewter thanks to improvements in manufacturing. A founding member of the Arts and Crafts Society of ...
Syme, Eveline Winifred, b. 1888
A contemporary of many well known female Australian artists, Syme was an active member of a number of artistic associations. She was widely travelled and ...
Towers, Winifred Mary, b. 1890
Oil and watercolour painter, illustrator of children's book by Maureen C. Meadows 'Little Words to God' (Sydney, 1949). Regularly exhibited with the Half Dozen Group ...
Winkler, Kurt, b. 1902
Mid 20th century sketcher. One of the Dunera Boys.
Albury, Winn, b. 1896
Twentieth century female watercolourist who worked as a commercial in Sydney and Sacremento, California. Work found amongst her estate included a number of designs for ...
Mid 20th century cartoonist, apparent drew a portrait of Minna Moore.
Wiseman, John
Mid 20th century Bulletin cartoonist and commercial artist.
Dutkiewicz, Wladyslaw, b. 1918
Dutkiewicz was an expressionist, constructivist, abstract and semi-abstract painter and occasional sculptor who was also involved in theatrical design, directing and acting. Dutkiewicz ran theatre ...
Cardamatis, J. Wolfgang, b. 1917
Mid 20th century German-born Sydney painter, theatrical designer and cartoonist. He moved in some of the most significant modern Australian art circles, associating with the ...
Grasse, Wolfgang, b. 1930
Mid 20th century German and Australian cartoonist, printmaker and painter
Wolff, Wolfgang
Mid 20th century Sydney magazine illustrator.
Wolinski, Joseph, b. 1872
painter, did a large oil painting showing NSW rising from a bed of native flora which decorated an arch erected for the Federation procession in ...