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image of Barnet Glass
Barnet Glass
Barnet Glass was Melbourne-based water proof garment manufacturer amalgamated with Dunlop Perdriau Rubber Company in 1929.
Globe Photographic Company
Photographers, had a studio in Sydney in 1889-1895. An album of their photographs includes images of local Aborigines.
Goddard, Emily, b. 1870
After being educated at Loreto Convent in her early years, Emily returned to her religious life at the age of 33 and was given Saint ...
Goode, Bernard
Professional photographer in Adelaide, became well known for his multiple image portraits. He regularly won prizes for his untouched photographic views at the South Australian ...
Gordon, George, b. 1839
A highly successful scenic artist in England before he arrived in Melbourne in 1879, Gordon was reported to have been paid £550 for his panoramas ...
Goyder, George, b. 1826
Surveyor, he explored much of the Northern Territory recommending what was then known as Palmerston as the capital, which was later renamed Darwin. He also ...
Commons, Donald George Grant, b. 1855
Donald George Grant Commons exhibited with the Art Society of NSW during the 1880s.
Gray, Elizabeth, b.
Elizabeth Gray received a royal commission after presenting two vases made from black swan eggs on which she had etched 'some sketches of natural history' ...
Gray, D. A.
Plaster-moulder who won a first order of merit at the 1881 International Exhibition in Perth organized by Joubert and Twopeny.
Green, Ellen
Marrying a Church of England clergyman, Ellen shared the views of the then strongly evangelical colony of South Australia. She was the director of St ...
Gregory, C.
Colonial era regional Victorian illustrator and engraver.
Gregory, Charles, b. 1850
Gregory spent most of his adult life in England, exhibiting genre and historical paintings at the Royal Academy but his youthful Australian years were also ...