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Puautjimi, Mark, b. 1964
Mark Puautjimi joined Tiwi Pottery in 1979
Nungarrayi, Jeannie Herbert Punayi, b. 1953
Nungarrayi was a Warlpiri woman potter and teacher from the Northern Territory who was introduced to pottery by the potter Thanakupi (also known as Thancoupie, ...
Puruntatameri, Eddie, b. 1948
Eddie Puruntatameri was Australia's first Indigenous studio potter. After studying at Bagot pottery he returned home to Bathurst Island where he established Tiwi in 1972. ...
Pyke, Guelda Esther Leah, b. 1905
Australian ceramist, jewellery and fashion designer who, after visits to Bali and training with George Bell, took up painting in the 1950s and worked in ...
Hughan, Harold Randolph, b. 1893
Although Harold Hughan admired the genius of the Song and T’ang dynasty potters, his own practice as a studio potter was devoted to developing a ...
Ranshaw, Louise
Central western NSW potter
Hearn, Ray, b. 1943
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Reay, Anita Jane, b. 1956
Self-taught studio pottery artist and sculptor of birds and animals as well as decorated bowls and vases.
Chapman, Rebecca , b. 1960
Rebecca was an active participant of the 1980s QLD ARI sector.
O'Reilly, Maud, b. 1886
Maud O'Reilly was one of L.J. Harvey's students who furthered her skills by studying wheelthrowing and glazing when she visited London in 1925. She made ...
Blin, Rene, b. 1943
Lithuanian born Australian artist Rene Blin has worked in ceramics and sculpture. She has gained numerous awards including a Premier's Grant in 1993.
Idagi, Ricardo, b. 1957
A Murray Islander, Ricardo Idagi was born in 1957. He is a painter, rock sculptor and ceramicist whose work is informed by the artefacts and ...