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Jones, Claude, b.
Claude Jones' work focuses on the creation of peculiar biologies - hybrid and mutant chimeras that reflect our changing biological and psychological relationship to nature.
Jose, Ellen, b. 1951
Jose works in various mediums including installation, drawing, video, printmaking, painting and photography. Her works often explore her islander heritage and its symbols and identifying ...
Aresti, Joseph
Painter and lithographer. Aresti brought examples of chromolithographs with him on his arrival to Melbourne in 1857 and exhibited works using this process in the ...
Drayton, Joseph
Natural history painter and engraver whose sketches were in a number of natural history volumes, travelled to Sydney in 1839 under Charles Wilkes in the ...
Goodhart, Joseph, b. 1875
Exhibited his etchings at the Paris Salon only two years after he adopted the medium. He also sketched extensively in Tasmania, aiming to record historical ...
Hart, Joseph Henry, b. 1880
Born in 1880, Joseph Henry Hart was an accomplished practitioner in diverse media including leatherwork, pewter work and painting. His major surviving work, his illustrations ...
Gittoes, Joyce, b. 1915
The mature work of Joyce Gittoes is best described as small ceramic sculptures of Australian native life. Her favourite subjects were owls, and these are ...
Horacek, Judy, b. 1961
Contemporary cartoonist, print-maker and writer, Horacek has contributed cartoons to numerous publications including the Sydney Morning Herald, The Australian, Green Left Weekly and the Women's ...
Haas, Juli, b. 1952
Contemporary painter and printmaker. She has had numerous solo and group exhibitions.
Hamel, Julius, b. 1822
Lithographic artist, engraver and draughtsman, very little original work by Hamel is recorded apart from his many illuminated addresses. Hamel, as Hamel & Ferguson, illuminated ...
Julius, Harry, b. 1885
Early 20th century Sydney cartoonist, caricaturist, printmaker, illustrator, commercial artist, publisher and company director. Founded Smith & Julius agency with Sydney Ure Smith.
Glover, Henry, b. 1828
Colonial era cartoonist, sketcher and lithographer.
Casey, Karen, b. 1956
Interdisciplinary Tasmanian Aboriginal artist who began exhibiting in 1987. Her work addresses personal, environmental, political and scientific themes.
Clarke-Edwards, Karen
Wemba Wemba/Mhutti Mhutti artist based in Mildura whose paintings and prints pay tribute to Indigenous women elders of Victoria.
Golland, Karen, b. 1977
Artist who lives and works in Central West NSW
Briscoe, Kate, b. 1944
Kate Briscoe is an Sydney-based artist who uses paint and mixed media to portray and explore geological formations.