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Barker, Caroline, b. 1894
Caroline Barker had a long career in Brisbane as an artist and teacher and for many years, especially after the death of Vida Lahey, was ...

by Paauwe, Deborah.

This exhibition was also shown at: Sutton Gallery, Melbourne, VIC (2008-06-28/2008-05-29); Johnston Gallery, Perth, WA (2009-08-23/2009-08-05); Chaffers Gallery, Wellington, New Zealand (2008).


by Cattapan, Jon.

195 x 240 cm

oil on canvas

Bailey, Carrie
Carrie Bailey was a china painter. It is thought she may have been a painter for Wembley Ware.

by Rackham, Melinda.

Web based multimedia installation.

web, multi-media

Carrington, Betty, b. 1944
Established painter residing at Warmun Community, WA