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Hershon, Michael, b. 1931
Designer and businessman, part of Berlei-Hestia business family.
Hirst, Michael, b. 1917
Michael Hirst was a designer/manufacturer with a small factory in Hawthorn (2-3 workers), dates uncertain. He began designing with Clement Meadmore in 1955 and Hirst ...
Johnson, Michael, b. 1938
Michael Johnson's work is marked by a metaphysical orchestration of colour and a muscularity of presence. His paintings (and occasional works in three dimensions) are ...
Keighery, Michael, b. 1950
Keighery was an artist, educator and outspoken advocate for the visual arts through his work for the Copyright Agency, Presidency of the International Association of ...
Kitching, Michael, b. 1940
Without any formal art education, sculptor, printmaker and designer Michael Kitching emerged as one of the original voices of 1960s art in Australia.
Kutschbach, Michael
Kutschbach is a sculptor and educator with an extensive international and regional career.
Lear, Gerald Michael
Commercial artist and art dealer based in Sydney