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by Dickinson, Robert.

Charcoal drawings in response to poems by Jenny Dickinson. Source: Solo Survey Exhibition Linkage Project, Tasmanian School of Art, UTAS Latrobe Gallery exhibition archive


by Graham, Anne.

dimensions variable

feathers, fabric, leather, plastic

Colonial era Melburnian black-and-white artist.

by Eager, Wayne.

153 x 137 cm

Oil on linen


by Mathieson, Sheena.

Gesso and conté on canvas, 40x30cm

Children 1

by Kuang, Zai.

21 x 21 cm

Oil on paper mounted on board

Children 2

by Kuang, Zai.

21 x 21 cm

Oil on paper mounted on board

“Carrolup School” of Children's Paintings
Paintings by First Nation's children done at the Carrolup Native Settlement, Western Australia. Noel and Lily White were assigned teaching positions at the local school ...
Chinderah Bypass

by Goodwin, Richard.

Streetscape and Artwork with the Roads and Traffic Authority.