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Hargraves, Joy Nangala, b. 1967
Warlpiri artist and one of Lajamanu's younger painters. She often works in collaboration with her husband Luke Johnson.
Hector, Lucy Nangala, b. 1945
Warlpiri artist who particpated in the Traditional Painting Course in Lajamanu in 1986. Her work is in the collection of the National Gallery of Victoria.
Nanna Bett and Me

by Charles, Craig.

Solo exhibition

Jack, Eunice Napanangka, b. 1940
Eunice Jack is an Indigenous painter from the Pintupi/Pitjantjatjara tribe whose country is Tjukurla. She has been painting since 1992 and her subjects include her ...
Napanangka, Gladys, b. 1930
Senior Luritja artist who lived in Papunya, she initially assisted her second husband, Johnny Warangkula, on his canvases. Her work is in the collection of ...
Jigili, Judy Napangardi, b.
Warlpiri artist who lives at Lajamanu (NT) and often painted with her husband the late Fred Jigili - and also her daughter Yulanti Jigili.
Napangardi, Eunice, b. 1950
A Luritja/Warlpiri artist and leading woman artist in the desert painting movement in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Painted mainly for the Centre for ...
Napurrula, Lorna, b. 1924
As a previous ceremonial painter, Lorna began dot-style painting on canvas in 1986 and soon developed her own unique style which became increasingly free, abstract ...

by Connelly-Northey, Lorraine.

solo exhibition

Maximus as Narcissus

by Gladwell, Shaun.

120 x 120 cm

c-type print

Narkle, Geoffrey, b. 1951
Noongar artist, pastor and playwright. Narkle was raised on Wandering Mission, and travelled through Western Australia in the l960s as a member of George Stewart's ...
Nakamarra, Narlie, b. 1948
Narlie Nakamarra paints her renowned father Johnny Warangkula's Kalipinypa Dreaming for Papunya Tjupi Arts in Papunya.
Narrative of Land

by Ahmad, Mazin.

Solo Exhibition

Narratives From Babylon

by Ahmad, Mazin.

Group Exhibition including Abbas Makrab and Jasam Hasam

Dressmaker's narrative

by Duckett, Georgina.

Newstead, Vic.: G. Duckett, limited edition of 5 copies, [30] leaves of plates: all ill.; 12 x 16 cm.

Works on paper